Phrase simple, phrase complexe
Created on October 25, 2024
More creations to inspire you
6. Subordination
5. Juxtaposition et coordination
4. Identifier une proposition
3. La phrase complexe
2. La phrase simple
1. Qu'est-ce qu'une phrase ?
De la phrase simple à la phrase complexe
1. Qu'est-ce qu'une phrase ?
Je retiens !
> Une phrase est un ensemble de mots qui commencetoujours par une majuscule et finit par un point (. ? ! ...).
> Cet ensemble doit impérativement avoir du sens.
> Une phrase peut être non verbale, elle ne contient pas de verbe conjugué : "Bonjour !", "Merci.", "Quel magnifique tableau !", "Fortes précipitations annoncées dans le sud du pays."
> Une phrase peut être verbale, elle peut contenir un verbe conjugué (= phrase simple) ou plusieurs (= phrase complexe).
2. La phrase simple
Pour savoir si une phrase est simple, il faut compter le nombre de verbes conjugués : 1 verbe = 1 proposition = phrase simple.
Il se promène dans le parc.
1 verbe > 1 proposition
Il rentre parce qu'il a mal au ventre.
2 verbes > 2 propositions
> Les verbes conjugués aux temps composés ne comptent que pour un seul verbe !
Il est rentré chez lui.
> est rentré = 1 seul verbe
> On ne doit pas tenir compte des verbes à l'infinitif !
Il veut aller au cinéma.
> 1 seul verbe > veut
We don't like to bore. We don't want to be repetitive. Communicating as always is boring and doesn't engage. We do it differently. We sabotage boredom. We create what the brain likes to consume because it stimulates it. Pose a dramatic question; it is the essential ingredient to maintain the audience's attention. It is usually posed subtly at the beginning of the story to intrigue the audience and is resolved atthe end.
Visual content is a cross-cutting, universal language, like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
4. Write a great headline
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. You can also highlight a specific phrase or fact that will be etched in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight, and we retain 42% more information when the content moves.
Visual content is a cross-cutting, universal language, like music. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
5. Write a great headline
Our brain is biologically prepared to process visual content. Almost 50% of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or charts that help provide context to information and simplify data for your audience. We are visual beings, and it is easier for us to 'read' images than to readwritten text.
Do you feel like your text is still missing something? Add animation to capture your audience.
6. Write a great headline
Our brain is equipped to consume visual content. Some facts: 90% of the information we process comes through our sight, and we process visual content up to 60,000 times faster than text. That’s why visual communication is more effective.
We are in the era of the explosion of digital information. This causes our way of obtaining information to have changed, moving from traditional reading to a cognitive strategy based on navigation.
We better capture visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things enter through the eyes; the first image is what matters. We associate visual content with emotions.