Serpentes e Escadas
mariana 28422
Created on October 25, 2024
More creations to inspire you
Snakesand ladders
Roll the dice!
és uma pessoa pessimista ? se sim anda para traz 4 casas se nao anda para a frente 3 casas
Box 35
anda para tras 3 casas porque falaste mal de uma pessoa.
Box 9
anda para tras 5 casas se riste de tudo
Box 43
tu mentes quando alguem fala de ti a professora ? se sim anda para tras 4 casas se nao anda para a frente 2 casas .
Box 30
ttu gostas de alguem ? se sim anda para frente 2 passos se n anda para tras 4
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tu queres ter filhos ?se sim anda 2 casas se nao anda 3 casas para tras
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tens mais do que um melhor amigo ? se sim anda para tras 12 casa se nao anda para a frente 1 casa .
Box 52
avança 2 casas porque nâo disseste a palvra passe do classroom a ninguém.
Box 6
Box 55
quem tu gostas? se sim anda 3 se n anda 4 para tras
Box 50
Igostas do gustavo ??
Box 39
tiraste uma boa nota no teste ? se sim anda 2 casas se nâo anda para tras 3 casas .
Box 17
Players start with a token - which represents each of them - in the initial square and take turns rolling the die. The tokens move according to the numbering on the board, in ascending order. If, at the end of a move, a player lands on a square where a ladder begins, they move up it to the square where it ends. If, on the other hand, they land on a square where a snake's tail begins, they move down it to the square where its head ends.If a player rolls a 6, they can move twice in a single turn. If a player rolls three consecutive 6's, they must return to the initial square and cannot move their token until they roll a 6 again. The player who reaches the final square is the winner.There is a variation where, if a player is six or fewer squares away from the end, they must roll precisely the number needed to reach it. If the number rolled exceeds the number of remaining squares, the player cannot move.
If the player falls on the bottom of a ladder, they move up to the top square where the ladder ends.
If the player lands on a square where the tail of a snake starts, they go down to a lower square where the headis located.