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PL4004-2024Itzamna Baqueiro

Fermented food and its impact on diet & disease





Fermented foods in the past


Leeuwandaal et al, 2022

Fermented foods

  • Fermentation played a role in preservation
  • Fermentation undergone spontaneously during storage

Leeuwandaal et al, 2022

Fermented foods

  • Element of the human diet from ancient times

Honey fermentation

Voidaru et al, 2020

Both created accidentally.

Bread is depicted in ancient Egypt

Goat, sheep and cattle were domesticated

6500 BC

Rudimentary processes to convert milk to cheese by fermentation

2700-2500 BC


6000-3500 BC

Wine and beer "invented" somewhere between Black Sea and Caucasian mountains

7000 BC

Rice, honey and Fruit fermentation

“Fermentation is life in the absence of oxygen”



Leeuwandaal et al, 2022


Berzelius & von Liebig, fermentation was caused by decomposition



Pasteur, fermentation was caused by yeasts


Antonie van Leeuwenhoekdiscovered microorganisms


  • Some of the fermented products must have been used for antiaging an medicinal purposes for two main reasons: they were very nutritious and, although it was not known at the time, they contained large amounts of microbes with beneficial properties for health.

Fermented products Diet & Disease

He linked this fact to the regular consumption of fermented milk and postulated that the bacteria involved in this fermentation would be responsible for their longevity,

Elie Metchnikoff

The father of innate immunity and discoverer of the significance of phagocytosis, homeostasis and disease.

He described how the inhabitants of peasant villages in the Balkans lived to very advanced ages, often into their 100s.

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Elie Metchnikoff, Manchester October, 1901

"As soon as man is born, he becomes the habitat of a rich microflora. The skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal contents are populated by such flora, although only a very small number of these microorganisms have been recognized or described to date. The dependence of intestinal microbes on food makes it possible to take measures to modify the flora in our bodies and to replace harmful microbes with useful ones"

  • Fermented foods have been part of the human diet since the Neolithic.
  • Centuries XVII, XVIII, XIX made the precedents of its composition and effects on the diet and wellbeing.
  • Metchnikoff was the pioneer to understand the microbiome.


Fermented foods Today


“Foods or beverages produced through controlled microbial growth with conversion of food components through enzymatic action”

Dimidi et al, 2019

Fermented foods

Voidarou et al, 2020;Leeuwandaal et al, 2022

Estimates suggest around 500 different kinds of Fermented FoodsFew primary cheese types and 1000 varieties.

The diversity of the end products is interesting to both science and industry.

+ info

“Fermentation is life in the absence of oxygen” Pasteur

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+ info

Fermentation and its products

Li et al, 2022.

Predominant fermented food substrates and microorganisms in regions around the world.

Hernandez-Velazquez et al, 2024

Fermented Food and its impact on disease

Li et al, 2022

Cardiometabolic health

Li et al, 2022

Leeuwandaal et al, 2022

Diez-Ozaeta & Juaristi Astiazaran, 2022

Fermentation-derived metabolites may have multiple positive physiological effects

SCFA:acetate, propionate and butyrate, may show hepatoprotective and hypocholesterolemic effects

Bioactive peptides: antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antitumoral or ACE-inhibitory peptides.

EPS's, have hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant, and immunomodulator properties.

γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) protects against cancer and cardiovascular diseases and controls blood pressure.

During fermentation, many essential vitamins, as vitamin B2, B9, B12 or K-group vitamins are significantly increased.

  • Fermented foods reduce and/or inhibit allergic responses (AR).
  • "AR is defined as the adverse mechanism by a person’s immune system to remove allergens from the body".
  • Allergens are composed of proteins that are recognized as invaders by the immune system.

Abd Rahim et al, 2023

Increased tolerance

Terefe NS, 2022

Fermented foods are perceived for their health benefits, sustainability- natural, and free of preservatives.Its consumption has increased due to changes in dietary patterns changes such as vegetarianism, veganism, and flexitarianism.The World Economic Forums (2020), suggest fermentation as a vector to improve human and environmental health as well as the economy.

Fermented foods trend

Terefe NS, 2022

" Fermented foods are positioned at the center of megatrends such as healthy living (e.g., natural, clean label, functional…), ethical living (e.g., plant-based, sustainable…), and shifting market frontiers (e.g., exoticism: growing experimentation with exotic flavors, especially by millennials …) that are shaping consumer markets worldwide"Fermented foods are chosen for the benefits on gut health, sugar reduction prebiotic/probiotic delivery, and the plant-based trend, in order of importance.

Fermented foods trend

Ting Shien Teng et al, 2021



Fermented foods trend

Terefe NS, 2022

Fermented foods trend

Day et al, NS, 2022

Day et al, NS, 2022

Fermented foods trend

Ting Shien Teng et al, 2021


Fermented foods trend

Ting Shien Tent et al, 2021

"Traditional fermentation may have around for millennia, but precision fermentation may hit consumer rejection"



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The way to grouping are based on the raw/non-fermented food substrate, resulting in groupings of fermented foods made from - Cereals- Vegetables- Legumes- Roots/tubers- Milk- Meat- Fish-Alcoholic beverages- Miscellaneous

Fermented foods


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Different types of fermentation are included: yeast fermentation, lactic acid fermentation, butyric acid fermentation, propionic acid fermentation and acetic acid fermentation.


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  • Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
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Fermented curds

Mongols, the Tuareg, the Bedouin, the Tibetans many central Africa tribes and Amazon natives, among others, strong evidence exists of fermented curds production in the antiquity

Belongs to the Modern age

10000-2200 BC


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  • Plan the structure of your communication.
  • Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
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Vit Role

  • These vitamins act as precursors of essential coenzymes, play a key role in the metabolism of nucleic acid precursors, post-synthesis modifications of proteins, or controlling calcium binding in bones