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Hajatiana Rabenandrasana


Do you think GMOs could solve the problem of famine ?

- Problem: Could GMOs solve the famine problem?

- Definition:* Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are living species whose DNA has been modified using genetic techniques.

- Over 800 million people suffer from famine.

GMO corn

II. Controversies and limits of GMOs

I. The benefits of GMOs in the fight against famine

Table of contents:

ex: GMO corn more resistant to drought

I. The benefits of GMOs in the fight against famine

- They increase agricultural productivity- They reduce pesticide use- GMOs are more resistant to harsh weather conditions

- Protecting traditional farming methods

- GMOs create economic dependence

II. Controversies and limits of GMOs

- Adverse effects on health and the environment

GMOs offer advantages in the fight against hunger, such as increased harvests and resistance to harsh conditions. However, they also pose problems, particularly for health, the environment, and the economy.

