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Unit 4 Sticker/Feedback Challenge

In Unit 4, you will have the opportunity to earn 5 bonus points. How you ask? At the end of the unit simply report back to me in Edio Chat or Email what stickers you have earned!

Students who attend each class live will only have stickers for Lessons 8 and 15. In order for asynchronous learners to earn a sticker, you must complete all questions in a lesson.

Unit 4

5. DBQ/Quiz Prep 1

4. Muckrakers

10. Square Deal

3. Progressives in Action

2. Progressive Movement

15. Progressive Change DBQ/Quiz

14. Progressive Change DBQ/Quiz Prep 1

9. Roosevelt and Bully Pulpit

8. Progressive Era DBQ/Quiz

13. Progressive Change DBQ/Quiz Prep 1

1. Live Classroom-No sticker

12. Live Classroom-No Sticker

7. Live Classroom-No Sticker

11. Presidents Taft and Wilson

6. DBQ/Quiz Prep 2