Timeline Evolución de los sistemas de información turística
julia sanchez
Created on October 24, 2024
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YEAR 0-300 B.C.E.
TIMELINE: La evolución del turismo, la información turística y los sistemas de información turística.
TIMELINE: La evolución del turismo, la información turística y los sistemas de información turística.
TIMELINE: La evolución del turismo, la información turística y los sistemas de información turística.
TIMELINE: La evolución del turismo, la información turística y los sistemas de información turística.
- 1951, - The Directorate General comes to an end and the Ministry of Information and Tourism is created. - The International Union of Official Travel Organisations (what will become the WTO) is created, of which Spain is a member. - The School of Tourism is created to promote training. - Tourism infrastructures are improved with the construction of a large number of hotels. - There is a centralisation of tourist activity in Spain.
- 1955, Cádiz promotes itself as the best beach in the South and its great summer partys.
- 1960, Spain's tourism boom began in the 1960s, when the country opened up to international tourism, attracting mainly northern Europeans thanks to its climate, beaches and low prices. The government and the private sector boosted the construction of infrastructure, such as hotels and airports, transforming areas such as the Costa del Sol and the Balearic Islands into key destinations. Tourism became an economic engine, generating employment and modernisation. Over time, Spain diversified its offer with cultural and gastronomic tourism. Today, it remains one of the world's leading tourist destinations, with more than 80 million visitors a year.
Promotion of Cadiz
Summary of the evolution of tourism in Spain
- 1928, the Comisaría Regia ends and the Patronato Nacional de Turismo is created to stimulate domestic tourism and attract foreign tourists. Tourist information offices are set up abroad Paris, Buenos Aires, Rome, Munich or New York are some of the destinations.
- 1929, At the national level, This year there were already about twenty tourist offices in our country. Statistics began to be compiled (Thanks to these statistics we know that more than 300,000 tourists visited our country in that year and Granada was the most visited city). The seville and barcelona exhibitions took place these events contributed to the modernisation of the cities, improved their infrastructure, promoted tourism and projected a positive image of Spain to the world. The Patronato modifies the previous concept and proposes a new brochure with illustrations, several languages and practical information, Under the slogan "Visit Spain".
- At International level, global crisis, Stock market crash.
1929 Barcelona International Exhibition.
Brochures of "Visit Spain"
- 2006, Discovery of the archaeological Gadir , the work lasted 8 years and was inaugurated in 2014.
- 2007, Natural heritage legislation is born. This law aims to maintain, conserve and restore the biodiversity of natural spaces, flora and fauna.
- 2008, Major global crisis.
- 2010, Treaty of Madrid. Europe is recognised as a joint destination and the idea of promoting Europe as a whole is put forward. to improve the visibility and competitiveness of European tourist destinations, mainly in distant markets.
- 2012, The bicentenary of the 1812 constitution is celebrated and another regatta is celebrated.
- 2013, Best year so far for tourism in history
- 2015, Inauguration of the "La Pepa bridge".
- New strategies for the promotion of Europe as a destination are launched.
Archeological Gadir Site
La pepa Bridge
- 1980, Tourism experienced a great growth and transformation in several countries, especially in Spain, where it became one of the main economic engines. In the 1980s, there was a marked internationalisation of large hotel companies and tour operators, who sought new ways of using leisure time (theme parks, sport, risk, health, etc.) and applied marketing techniques, as tourists were increasingly more experienced and sought new products and tourist destinations, which created strong competition between them.
- The law on historical and cultural heritage is put into effect.
- The Roman theatre of Cadiz is uncovered
- 1981, First edition of FITUR is one of the most important events in the tourism sector, held annually in Madrid. It brings together industry professionals to promote destinations and services, network, and close business deals. The event features exhibitions, conferences, and sessions on trends and technology. It starts with professional days and later opens to the general public. FITUR is a global tourism benchmark and a key economic driver.
- 1982, a common interest in pursuing a joint tourism policy is beginning to emerge.The World Cup is held in Spain and the Provincial Tourist Board of the Cadiz Provincial Council is created.
Roman Theatre of Cádiz
FITUR in the newspaper
- 1941, Regulation by law of publicity for the purpose of tourism advertising. The series ‘Veraneo en España’ is published, advertising the beaches and the coastline for the first time, until now the advertising had referred to the monuments and culture of the destination. Another series, almost simultaneous in time but radically different, continues the one begun in 1929-30, with black-and-white photographs and cultural themes: monuments, cities, regional costumes and some landscapes. Many have the slogan ‘Beauties of Spain’.
"Veraneo en España"
"Beauties of Spain"
- 1947, Publication of the Information Bulletin of the General Directorate of Tourism to intensify foreign relations, therefore personalities are invited to visit our country.
- 1948, Slogan "Spain is beautiful and different".
- 1993-1995, Entry into force of the Maastricht and Schengen treaties. The concept of European citizenship is introduced and the free movement of persons is provided for, while border controls between Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg are eliminated.
- 1994, The internet arrives in Spain, was a touch tool that only a few had access to. It did not reach its full potential until after the year 2000, when it revolutionised the service sector, with the possibility of booking flights, hotels, activities, etc...
- 1996, Creation of Booking and advancement of internet bookings.
- 1997, Its objective was to revitalise the historic neighbourhoods of El Pópulo and Santa María, improving infrastructure, rehabilitating buildings, promoting cultural activities and supporting social and economic development. This plan sought to preserve the area's historical heritage while boosting the quality of life and promoting tourism in these emblematic areas of Cádiz.
Pópulo neighbourhood
- 1936, Spanish Civil War. Spain is divided into two blocs, Republican and Franquista, but the war not stop tourism and its promotion.The Republican bloc is committed to heritage, art and culture, is at pains to prove that the revolution has not affected the country and inviting Europe's social elite to visit and see for themselves. Meanwhile, the Franquista Bloc developed the National Tourism Plan, which included guided tourist routes through a country at war.
- In these pictures we can see a promotional poster for the Republican bloc showing hard images of ruins, from different parts of the country with titles that appealed to the struggle: ‘To save THE ART OF SPAIN we must crush FASCISM’, ‘The ruins of the art of Spain are one more accusation against fascism’.
- On the national side, in 1938 the National Tourist Service published brochures promoting ‘The routes of the war in Spain’.
- 1939, End of the Civil War. Start of World War II.
- In the same year, the National Tourism Service became the Directorate General of Tourism until 1951. Its functions were to promote Spain and its natural, historical and artistic beauties; Providing travellers with information of all kinds;contribute to the improvement of accommodation, transport and the like... in general, to promote or encourage all initiatives aimed at the development of tourism.
- 2019, Global pandemic "COVID 19", devastated global tourism until 2020, with travel restrictions, quarantines and border closures paralysing international and domestic mobility. Tourist arrivals fell drastically, affecting airlines, hotels, and other related sectors.
- 2020, International arrivals fall by 74%, Andalusian Tourism plummets by 59%.
- 2021, On 25 March 2021, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution to rebuild tourism after COVID-19, promoting a governance policy focused on sustainability, responsibility and innovation. 31.1 million tourists visited Spain and Cádiz receives 43% more than in 2020
- 2023-2023, 85.1 million tourists in Spain, 2019 figures exceeded, Today's tourism information systems are digital, accessible via web and apps, offering personalised recommendations with technology such as AI and big data. They include tools such as interactive maps and augmented reality to enhance the experience. They facilitate real-time planning and promote more sustainable tourism. Tourist destinations are no longer promoted through brochures but through networks!
Influencers promoting tourist destinations through Tiktok and providing useful tourist information, nowadays it is one of the most common ways of transmitting this information and it is very easy to access it.https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGdRoH98L/https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGdRoBvoa/
- During the Middle Ages, travel was mainly for commercial purposes. Many travelers told his trips to make know to the population the situation of diferents places in the world, However, all this cannot be considered as tourism information or promotion as such, since, among other elements, they were not planned.
- 1350, Marco polo's travels stand out. He was a Venetian traveller and writer, most famous for his Travels of the Silk Road and Ancient Asia . He writes a book about his travels to document life and customs of the places he visited.
- 1492, The discovery of America. This event started a process of profound political, economic, social and cultural transformation worldwide.
- 1600, It was a journey made by young Europeans who were members of the aristocracy and the upper bourgeoisie in order to learn about the world around them. The most common itinerary included Paris, northern Italy, Florence, Rome, Naples, Switzerland and sometimes Germany.
Marco polo
Short video about the grand tour
- 2000, Second Great Regatta in Cadiz.
- TripAdvisor appears, It provides travel-related content including for example interactive travel forums helping to disseminate and improve tourism information.
- 2001, September 11 attacks in New York City, fear of travel soared due to the global impact of this event. Insecurity about possible attacks and fear of flying, especially on commercial airliners, severely affected the tourism industry. Security measures at airports and on transport were tightened, but panic and mistrust lingered among travellers for months, significantly reducing international travel.
- 2002, The euro was introduced, tourism in Europe experienced a significant boost. The single currency facilitated travel within the eurozone by eliminating currency exchange, simplifying transactions and increasing convenience for tourists.
- 2004, Founding of Facebook and social networks.
- 11M terrorist attack in Madrid, That it had the same consequences as the New York disaster in terms of tourism.
11M, Madrid
- YEAR 0, Tourism has been present since the beginning of human history, which is why to talk about the origin of tourism we will go back to the first nomads, who travelled from one place to another without a fixed residence in search of food, although we cannot consider it tourism, as they did it purely for survival.
- 484 B.C, Herodotus Halicarnassus, the Greek historian and geographer, known as the first tourist, created what is known as one of the first tourist information systems. A travel guide with his experiences. He managed to capture in his stories important temples and monuments such as the Pyramids of Gizah, the Temple of Zeus or the Gardens of Babylon, so much questioned of their existence in this period, this later helped the following travellers as a source of information of those destinations...
- 300 B.C, The first travel guides appeared in Rome, in which the quality of accommodation was noted by means of symbols.
- 180 B.C, Pausanias writes ‘Description of Greece’, a book with detailed information about artistic monuments and legends of the time.
sculpture of Herodotus Halicarnassus
Description of greece, pausanias
- 1990, This is a stage of maturity in the sector, which continues to grow, although in a more moderate and controlled manner, demand is diversifying and quality is improving. The second Tourist Boom takes place, The first Novo Sancti Petri Iberoestar Royal hotel opens.
- 1992, Expo‘92’ was celebrated in Seville for six months to mark the anniversary of the discovery of America, the main theme of which was ‘The Age of Discoveries’, Many countries participated, displaying their technological advances in the pavilions assigned to them, where replicas of everything from a spaceship to exact copies of the famous ships ‘La Pinta’, ‘La Niña’ and ‘La Santa Maria’ could be found. A Community action plan for tourism is approved, with a view to improving the quality and competitiveness of the Community's tourism offer in European tourism. The AVE is created.
- The first great regatta in Cadiz takes place. was an international sailing event that brought together large sailing yachts from all over the world. It coincided with the celebration of the V Centenary of the Discovery of America, and Cadiz was one of the main ports of the regatta. This event marked a milestone in the promotion of the city as a tourist and maritime destination.
EXPO 92'
The first great regatta in Cadiz
- 1985, Turespaña is created. The logo designed by Joan Miró forms part of its campaigns. Its main objective is to promote Spanish tourism abroad.
- The tourism plan for the coastline of the Bay of Cadiz-Guadalquivir River area is launched.was a territorial planning project aimed at sustainable tourism development in this Andalusian coastal region. Its goal was to harness the natural and cultural potential of the area, promoting tourism while preserving the environment. The plan included the development of tourism infrastructure and the protection of key natural areas. It helped boost tourism in the region while maintaining environmental respect.
- 1986, Spain join in the UE.
- 1987, Declaration of Doñana as a HUNESCO World Heritage Site.
- In this decade, different tourism promotion institutions began to be created, such as Turgalicia, Consorcio de Promoción Turística de Cataluña, Sotur (Castilla y León)...
- Promotional poster with the logo of the sun of Miró and the slogan ‘Spain is everything under the sun’.
- 1839, The German Karl Baedeker and the British John Murray, created the first modern travel guides, were enormously popular and a standard resource for travellers in the 20th century. This guide was very complete with information about the history, landscape, climate, currency, places of interest, recommended hotels...
- 1841, Thomas Cook made the first organised trip in modern history. On the occasion of an anti-alcoholism congress, he took 500 people by rail from Leicester to Harborough in England. Five years later, he dared to organise a trip for 165,000 people to the London World's Fair. It was not until 1855 that he organised his first international trip: a tour of continental Europe via Belgium, France and Germany.
- 1851, Thomas cook creates the first travel agency with the name "Thomas cook and soon"
- During this period Europe underwent a process of high industrialisation.
Map of liverpool in baedecker's guidebook
First travel agency
- 1970, The tourist boom continues, Spain surpasses 34 million visitors and the summer tourist offices appear.
- 1975, the UNWTO is created. The main objectives were to promote the development of tourism as an economic engine, to promote international cooperation in the sector, to encourage sustainable and responsible tourism, and to improve the quality of life in host communities through job creation and cultural respect.
- 1978, A new constitution is put into force and autonomous communities are created to which tourism competences are transferred (DECENTRALISATION).
- Tourist posters with a clear propaganda objective to try to sell a much more modern and open image of Spain.
Promotion of the 70s
- 1905, The Ministry of Development was created, within which the National Tourism Commission was set up.
- 1911, The Comisaría Regia del Turismo y la Cultura Popular was created, led by the Marquis de la Vega-Inclán, Benigno de la Vega-Inclán y Flaquer. Its objectives were:
- To protect, preserve and enhance the value of the tourist heritage.
- Generate wealth.
- Improve relations with America.
- Attract foreign visitors.
- Promote the evolution of Spanish regions.
- All the tourism competences were directed to the social and cultural elite, brochures very different from the ones we use today (studies on monuments, but little practical information).
- 1914-1918, World War I. After the end of the war, mass production of coaches and cars began. At this time, beaches and rivers became the centre of tourism in Europe and coastal tourism began to take on great importance.
Ministry of Development
Picture of the Marquis de la Vega Inclán