Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


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July 00, 20XX

fake or true?


Write the correct answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Contextualize your topic witha subtitle.

Contextualize your topic with a subtitle.

Write the wrong answer here

Contextualize your topic witha subtitle.


Question 1 of 5

It's called hygiene and it's a movement born almost 200 years ago that proposes a strict vegan diet and above all would like to cure diseases without medicines, but with only abstention from food. All without the slightest scientific basis


Link to the official news ➥

All ready for your audience to view it from any device and share it anywhere.Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

With the Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in you minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, with no need to download?

You can upload an image from your computer or use the resources available in Genially, on the left side of the Editor.


Question 1 of 5

True or false?

Fedez "flees" to America by private jet. Then he shows the 1,500 euro glasses (and Chiara is with her children)

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Write the wrong answer here

Contextualize your topic witha subtitle.

Write the correct answer here

Contextualize your topic witha subtitle.

Use an image

Use an image


Question 2 of 5

temptation island 2024: Alfred and Anna get back together after a month, now they live together happily!


Use an image and use this space to caption it.

Link to the official news ➥

Visual content is a transversal, universal language, like music. We can understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives:to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice tomake an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.We generally grasp visual content better.Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. We receive things through our eyes; the first image is what counts. We associate visual content with emotions.

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This is because visual language facilitates the rapid acquisition of knowledge in an intuitive way. Could it be said that images are the key to success? Pretty much.Yep, you read that right. Interactivity and animation can turn even the most boring content into something super fun. In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.


Question 2 of 5

- Visual aids convince 67% of the audience -

Alessandro Bergamini is secretly in love with Amine

· wrong answer · wrong answer · wrong answer · wrong answer · wrong answer · wrong answer · wrong answer · wrong answer ·


Do you want to try again?

Here you can include a message indicating to the audience that they have not guessed the answer

How do you understand what is fake news?

It's a post from a private profile, there isn't much information and you have to click on a link to get the information

  • Elenco puntato
  • Elenco puntato

if the news contains the precise date

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Write the wrong answer here

Write the wrong answer here

Contextualize your topic witha subtitle.

Write the correct answer here

Contextualize your topic with a subtitle.

Contextualize your topic with a subtitle.

An awesome title

An awesome title

An awesome title


Question 4 of 5

Did you know that windows allow you to add more extensive content?

You can upload an image from your computer or use the resources available in Genially, on the left side of the Editor.

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Link to the official news ➥

We are visual beings and we find it easier to ‘read’ images than to read a written text. That’s why, when communicating a message, we will be closer to reaching our audience if we use a visual aid. It is scientifically proven that visual resources such as images or videos are much more effective than words, which are stored in our short-term memory.

We don’t like to bore. We don’t want to be repetitive.Communicating in the same old ways is boring and doesn’t engage people. We do it differently. We annihilate boredom. We create things the brain likes to consume because they stimulate it. Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when creating tables, infographics, or graphs that help provide context for the information and simplify the data in order to communicate it to your audience.


Question 4 of 5

- Down with boring content in your presentation: make it entertaining -

It's correct!