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Lucciana Sánchez Portocarrero


Presentación Académica


Esto es un párrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.


The climate in Bratislava is with relatively warm summers,cold cloudy and humid winter.

The climate

In Bratislava above all there is a risk of petty crime.You have to tale precautions againts pickpockets and bag thieves and not leave your belongins unattended.

Bratislava is the capital of Slovaquia.

The official language is Slovac.A Slavic language,Slovac is closely related to neighboring Czech.

This is the city of Bratislava

The largest library in slovaquia

The monuments

The Slovac National Library

In Slovac : Slovenská národná knizca.

The population

5 424 687

The habitants.

Slovaquia is memmbrer of the EU.
  1. This is Peter
The president of Slovaquia is Peter Pelligrini.

The president.




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