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Kenya Vasquez Digital Technology Porfolio

Podcast on Catfishing

Twitter Post


Blog on Digial Culture


Video on Digital Culture

Timeline on the history of the Internet


Cybersecuirty Artifiact: Phishing


ChatGPT: Intro to Digital Culture

Click Here: Meet Digit, the world's first human-centric, multi-purpose robot for logistics.


I really enjoyed learning about all the aspects of digital culture in this course. Technology has become a big part of our lives, influencing how we work, think and communicate. I enjoyed doing all the assignments because they were able to spark creativity. If I could have skipped any of the assignments, it would have been the PowToon video. It was very time consuming and difficult to navigate the website. Other than that, I would not change anything about this course. In the future, I plan to use the knowledge I've learned in this course in future classrooms and my personal life.

Comic On Cyberbullying

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