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I am a great subtitle, ideal for providing more context on the topic you are goingto address


Informacion general
Fuentes confiables
Recusrsos interesantes
Metodologia en el desarrollo del sistemas de informacionMetodologia en cascada y metodos agiles

informacion general


los sistemas de información son estructuras complejas y dinamicas que juegan un papel fundamental en la gestion y el analisis de datos de diversas organizaciones. se componen de varios elementos criticos, tales como personas procedimiento, datos y recursos tecnologicos, que interactuan de manera cohesiva para recolectar,almacenar procesar y distribuir informacion relevante. Las personas son, sin duda el eje central en estos sistemas, ya que son las encargadas de diseñarlos, operarlos y tomar decisiones basads en la informacion que proporcionan. Entender los distintos procesos implicados, asi como los tipos de caracteristicas de la informacion que se maneja, se convierte en un aspecto vital para el desarrollo y optimizacion de los sistemas de informacionque actuan como catalizadores para alcanzar objetivos organizacionales y estrategicos, facilitando un flujo continuo de informacion que permite a las empresas adaptarse y prosperar en un entorno en constante cambio.

A su vez las metodologias que se utilizan en la implementacion y mejora de sistemas de informacion son esenciales pues icluyen tecnicas herramientas y normas de calidad que aseguran la eficiencia y la efectividad del sistema.

sistemas de la información

Definición:Es un conjunto organizadonde recursos que permiten recopilar, almacenar, procesar y distribuir informacion.


Faclita la toma de decisiones, y mejora la eficiencia operativa y proporciona una ventaja competitiva.

IDENTIFICAR LOS OBjetivos del sistema de información

Mejorar: Proporcionando informacion precisa.Aumentar la eficiencia operativa: Automatizar procesos para reducir costos.Facilitar la comunicación: Interna y externa a travez de plataformas y herramientas digitales.Almacenar y gestionar datos: Organizar, proteger y analizar.Apoyar planificacion estrategica: Analisis de datos estrategias a largo plazo.Mejorar la satisfacción del cliente: Utilizar la informacion para personalizar servicios.

Conectar los objetivos con la informatica.Software especializado, que permite la creacion de redes y plataformas que mejoran la comunicación.

Comprender sus objetivos te ayudará a apreciar su papel en la informatica y en las organizaciones.

Es esencial entender que los sistemas de informacion no solo son herramientas si no que tambien son fundamentales para el exito de cualquier organizacion.


Hardware: Equipos fisicos que se utilizan para el procesamiento de datos.Software: Progrfamas y aplicaciones que controlan el hardware y procesan la informacion.Datos: La materia prima del sistema.Procedimientos: Instrucciones , como se deben realizar las operaciones.Personas:Usuarios que interactúan incluye analistas, gerntes y programadores.

Metodología de Desarrollo: Procesos y tecnicas para planificar, construir y mantener sistemas de información.De cascada: Pproceso en secuencias en etapas como analisis, diseño, implementacion, y mantenimiento.Metodos ágiles: Enfoque que permiten adapatarse a cambios durante el desarrollo.

Elementos que componen un sistema de informacion.
Las metodologías son enfoques diferentes y tienen diferencias entre ellas.
Metodología en el desarrollo de sistemas de informacion

La eleccion entre una metodología en cascada y una agíl depende de una convinacion de factores relacionados con el proyecto el equipo, el cliente y la organizacion.


Enfoque secuencial
Cambios dificiles
Planificacion rigurosa
Entrega final
Expectativas del cliente
Documentacion extensa

Para el desarrollo de proyectos. Aquí las principales diferencias entre ambas Metodología en cascada.

Metodos agíles y sus diferencias

Enfoque interactivo
Flexibilidad en los requisitos
Colaboracion continua
Menos documentacion
Entrega continua
Enfoque iteractivo

Factores importantes al elegir una metodología en cascada y una ágil. A aqui tenemos algunos mas relevantes

Naturalesa del proyecto
Tamaño del equipo
Disponibilidad de recursos
Cultura organizacional
Expectativas del cliente
Complejidad del proyecto

para un proyecto especifico, es importante pues puede influir en el exito del desarrollo.

Los sistemas de informacion tienen un impacto significativo en la toma de desiciones empresariales por varias razones.

El estudio de los sistemas de informacion, junto con los procedimientos y metodologias, proporcionan a los estudiantes las herramientas necesarias para diseñar implementar y gestionar sistemas que satisfagan las necesidades de informacion en diversas organizaciones.
Mejora de la eficiencia
Accesos a la informacion
Reduccion de riesgos
Soporte a la estrategia
Analisis de datos
Mejora de la comunicacion

Algunos de los procedimientos comunes en el estudio de los sistemas de informacion y sus metodologia incluyen :

Analisis de requisitos

Diseño de sistema

Desarrollo e implementacion

Pruebas y evaluacion

Fuentes confiables

En esta lista podras encontrar fuentes confiables acerca de estos temas

Books:"Sistemas de informacion: Unun enfoque gerencial de Ralph M. Stair y George W. Reynolds.

Articulos academicos: Publicasiones en MIS Quartely" y " Journal of Information Sistems"

Sitios web

Tech Target


Here you can put a highlighted title

Multimedia content is essential in a presentation to leave everyone amazed. Additionally, you will synthesize the content and entertain your audience.


Recuerda publicar


Professional Skills

Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline

Disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate visually rich note-taking thanks to the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings. Go for it!

Feel like your text is still missing something? Add animation to captivate your audience.

Bring your creation to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!

Write a great text by clicking on Text in the left sidebar. Note: fonts, size, and color should be appropriate to the theme you are addressing.

Basic Concepts

  • We are visual beings. We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
  • Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
  • Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
  • Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
  • Creative beings. Fun is needed for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.
  • Exploring beings. We turn visual communication into an experience when we add interactivity, animation, and storytelling.

The step-by-step interactive visual communication:

  • Plan and structure your communication.
  • Prioritize and give visual weight to the main points.
  • Define secondary messages with interactivity.
  • Establish a flow throughout the content.
  • Measure the results.


Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.

Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.

We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

Write agreat headline

Basic Concepts

  • We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
  • Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
  • Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
  • Digital beings. We avoid becoming part of the content saturation in the digital world.
  • Creative beings. Fun is needed for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.
  • Explorer beings. We turn visual communication into an experience when we add interactivity, animation, and storytelling.

Pro Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.

Write a greatheadline

We are visual beings. We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.

Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.

Write agreat headline

  • We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
  • Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
  • Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
  • Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
  • Creative beings. Fun is necessary for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.

Write agreat headline

  • We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
  • Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
  • Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
  • Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
  • Creative beings. Fun is needed for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.

Professional Skills

Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline

Disciplines like Visual Thinking make it easy to take visually rich notes using images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings. Go for it!

Feel like your text is still missing something? Add animation to captivate your audience.

Bring life to the elements of your creation with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!

Write a great text by clicking on Text in the left sidebar. Note: fonts, size, and color should suit the theme you are addressing.

Did you know... We retain 42% more information when content is moving? It is perhaps the most effective resource for capturing your audience's attention.

With this feature... You can add additional content that excites the minds of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whateveryou want!

  • Plan the structure of your communication.
  • Prioritize and give visual weight to the main points.
  • Define secondary messages with interactivity.
  • Establish a flow through the content.
  • Measure the results.

With this feature... You can add additional content that excites the minds of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!

Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and interacts with it.

Did you know... We retain 42% more information when the content moves? It is perhaps the most effective resource for capturing youraudience's attention.

  • Improve communication on any topic.
  • Matches your audience...
  • And makes them part of the message.
  • Has a color suitable for its theme.
  • Represents data with graphics.
  • Uses timelines to tell stories.

Professional Skills

Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline

Disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate visually rich note-taking thanks to the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings. Go for it!

Do you feel like your text is still missing something? Add animation to capture your audience.

Bring your creation elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!

Write a great text by clicking on Text in the left sidebar. Note: fonts, size, and color should suit the theme you are addressing.


Tools and Resources

Did you know...90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight? Visual resources are very helpful in reinforcing your message: images, illustrations, gifs, videos… Not only because they remain in memory, but also because they are more attractive and easier to understand.

  • It is clear and structured
  • Tells stories hierarchically.
  • Matches your audience.
  • Adapts fonts and color to the theme.
  • Includes images and entertains.
  • Represents data with graphics.
  • Uses timelines.
  • Is animated and interactive.
  • Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
  • DOES NOT exceed with bullet points 🙃​.

Tools and Resources

Did you know...90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight? Visual resources are very helpful to reinforce your message: images, illustrations, gifs, videos... Not only because they remain in memory, but also because they are more attractive and easier to understand.

  • It is clear and structured
  • Tells stories hierarchically.
  • Matches your audience.
  • Adapts fonts and color to the theme.
  • Includes images and entertains.
  • Represents data with graphics.
  • Uses timelines.
  • Is animated and interactive.
  • Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
  • Does not exceed with bullet points 🙃​.


Practical Examples

Your content is liked, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture the attention of your audience with an interactive photograph or illustration.

We are visual beings.We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

Narrative beings.We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.

Social beings.We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.

Digital beings.We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.

With this function... You can add additional content that excites your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!

Did you know... The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.


Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and interacts with it.

Write a greatheadline

We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.

Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.

Did you know... We retain 42% more information when the content is in motion? It's perhaps the most effective resource to capture the attention ofyour audience.

Practical Examples

Your content is liked, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.

We are visual beings.We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

Narrative beings.We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.

Social beings.We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.

Digital beings.We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.

With this function... You can add additional content that excites the brain of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!

Did you know... The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.


Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and interacts with it.

Did you know... In Genially you will find more than 1,000 templates ready to showcase your content and 100% customizable, which will help you tell your stories?

  • Improve communication on any topic.
  • Match with your audience...
  • And involve them in the message.
  • Has a color suitable for its theme.
  • Represents data with graphics.
  • Uses timelines to tell stories.

Practical Examples

Your content is liked, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.

We are visual beings.We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.

Narrative beings.We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.

Social beings.We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.

Digital beings.We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.

With this function... You can add additional content that excites your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!

Did you know... The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text... The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.

Write agreat headline

  • We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
  • Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
  • Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
  • Digital beings. We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.
  • Creative beings. Fun is necessary for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.

Did you know... The window allows you to add more extensive content. You can enrich your genially by incorporating PDFs, videos, text… The content of the window will appear when clicking on the interactive element.

With this feature... You can add additional content that excites the minds of your audience: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whateveryou want!

  • Plan the structure of your communication.
  • Prioritize and give visual weight to the main points.
  • Define secondary messages with interactivity.
  • Establish a flow throughout the content.
  • Measure the results.

Tools and Resources

Did you know that...90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight? Visual resources are of great help to reinforce your message: images, illustrations, gifs, videos... Not only because they remain in memory, but also because they are more attractive and easier to understand.

  • It is clear and structured.
  • Tells stories hierarchically.
  • Matches your audience.
  • Adapts fonts and color to the theme.
  • Includes images and entertains.
  • Represents data with graphics.
  • Uses timelines.
  • Is lively and interactive.
  • Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
  • Does not overdo it with bullet points 🙃​.

Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.

Basic Concepts

  • We are visual beings. We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
  • Narrative beings. We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
  • Social beings. We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.
  • Digital beings. We avoid becoming part of the content saturation in the digital world.
  • Creative beings. Fun is needed for creativity, creativity for innovation, innovation for success... Fun is success.
  • Exploring beings. We turn visual communication into an experience when we add interactivity, animation, and storytelling.


With this function... You can add additional content that excites your audience's brain: videos, images, links, interactivity... Whatever you want!