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How old am I?

my NAme is Hephzibah Odhegolo

Do I wear glasses?

How many siblings do I have?

Where am I from?

What's my major?

I'M Zibah

I play basketball and I love to dance. A big event recently happened in my life was moving from Nigeria to The States in July. I am confident yet shy, but I'm also very nice once you get to know me.

My life

I am a very straightforward person. I am family-oriented and once I set out to achieve something there's no stopping me. I like to dress classy and sometimes a bit casual so I'd say i have a clean/soft girl asthetic.

I personally feel this reflection has helped me think about myself and figure pout things I forgot about myself. It has reminded me of my goals and things I have set to acomplish.


I don't like wearing them, so I always leave them on my head

Yes I wear glasses

I was born on the 30th of October


I am the last child

2 boys and 2 girls which makes me the tie breaker

I have 4 siblings

I am currently majoring in nursing to get a bachelor's degree and hopefully move on to go to a med school and become a pediatric surgeon

I am a nursing major

I am from Houston Texas.

Both my parents are Nigerian and I was born here in the States which gives me dual citizenship

I am Nigerian and American