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Unit 4 Review

Therapist for the day

Send the review from the client to Mrs. Sims for credit.

Step 4

Answer the client's questions using the information from their resume and class notes.

Step 3

Click the button "begin session"

Step 2

Investigate and read the client final

Step 1

You will be meeting with a therapy clientThis client is struggling with a personal relationship and needs help resolving the proble, Using your class notes, help the client work out his communication problems.

Game Premise:

Rules ofthe Game


Begin Session

Relationship Skills

Previous Context



- I need help with how to talk to my best friend, Joey.- He is dating this person who I think is so mean, Francine.-- Everytime I talk to my friend he tells me that I just don't want him to be happy and ghosts me for the next few days. - Help!

Here is a little about me and my relationship

My name is Alex


The Situation



Alex Smith

Click on the tabs at the top to cycle through the different slides. Each slide has information that will be important for the Session Read the slides before you begin the Session

Age: 23


Relationship to Alex

Met in Middle School

Relationship to Francine

Met in Speech Class

Age: 23

Single, Lives in Graduate Dorms

Age: 22

In College for Education

Relationship with Joey

Met in Speech Class

Relationship to Alex

Met Through Joey

Relationship to Joey

Best friends for 9 years.

Met in Middle School

Relationship to Francine

Known for six months.

Met through Joey

Begin Session

Relationship Skills

Previous Context







Alex Smith






In Law School


Dating, Lives in Apartment

Best friends for 9 years.

BFriends for one year, dating for one year

Dating, lives in single room in dorm

Known for six months

Friends for one year, Dating for One year

Before the timeline:Joey and Francine met 18 months prior, Joey and Francine started dating 6 months before.After Timeline:Alex comes and visits you (the therapist) one week after the last incidentNote:You will find out more info once you begin session

Alex and Francine Meet

6 months prior

Joey Starts a new Job

5 months Prior

Alex breaks Lawn Mower

4 months Prior

Joey has game night with all friends

2 months Prior

Francine's Final

1 week prior

Begin Session

Relationship Skils

Previous Context



Time Line of Conflicts


Alex Smith







- Everyone knows that Alex likes to solve problems, and is very out spoken.

Open Self

-Alex doesn't like for people to know how much he doubts himself.

Hidden Self

- Alex has been told that he is sometimes too agressive.

Blind Self

Alex typically is a happy person.


Alex has a large network of friends.

Alex doesn't compliment a lot of people



Alex is quick to address problems

Conflict Management

Alex doesn't wait to give advice, ever.




Begin Session

Relationship Skills

Previous Context



Mainting Relationships


Perception of Self

In Conflict

First Client

Alex Smith

Alex is sitting across from you.

Alex isn't smiling or frowningAlex seems calm and relaxed.

Begin Session

Relationship Skills

Previous Context



First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex asks you: Are you ready to start the session?


I need more time

After each session Alex will give you part of a review, there are 4 in total

Alex is sitting across from you.

Alex isn't smiling or frowningAlex seems calm and relaxed.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex asks you: Can you tell me why Francine is so mean to me?

Discuss Self Disclosure

Discuss Perspective

Discuss Conflict

Discuss Relationship

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

You respond:" Alex, lets talk about you first. How would you describe yourself?Alex answers: " I work really hard. I'm always very honest and I never tell a lie."

Help Alex be more self aware

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex says: I didn't realize I can be overly aggressive sometimes. Save this comment to send to Mrs. Sims for later!

Return to Discussion Page

Alex slumps in the chair

Alex is chewing his nailsAlex seems contemplative.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

You respond:" Alex, lets talk about how you perceive others, and they perceive you."Alex answers: " I don't know how others choose to perceive me. But I have a pretty good read on others."

Help Alex gain perspective

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex slumps in chair.

Alex is chewing his nailsAlex seems contemplative.



Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex says: I now know that I need to focus on how to interpret Francine and Joey outside of my own perspective. Save this comment to send to Mrs. Sims for later!

Return to Discussion Page

Alex stands up

Alex is talking with his hands.Alex seems agitated.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

You respond:" Alex, lets work through some of the conflict you are experienceing?"Alex answers: " I 'm going to tell you what happened and you tell me what I should have done!"

Help respond to conflict

When I first met Francine she was very nice and bubbly. She made a joke about me breaking her favorite mug that was at Joey's house. I joked back that she shouldn't leave stuff laying around if she doesn't want it to break. She laughed so I'm sure it's cool. But the other day Joey said I should have bought her a new mug.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Story of first Conflict

Joey got a new job and I wanted to go out and celebrate that night. Francine like blew up on Joey and didn't want him to go to the arcade with me and hangout. I told Francine she could totally come if she wanted to. She stood in the corner and pouted the whole time. Every time I talked she rolled her eyes.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Story of Second Conflict

IJoey has a really cool riding lawn mower, my parents live close to him and they needed me to help with mowing their grass. I figured I could just ride the mower over to their house and cut the grass. I must have done something wrong because the blades got all messed up by something in the road. Joey was cool about it but Francine kept saying she told me not to ride the mower over. So not cool.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's PErspective of Conflict 3

Joey had a game night at his place. I brought the food, video games, and snacks over. We had about 25 people and we were all having a good time. Francine was there too. At about 9pm Francine started cleaning up the party, so everyone left because they thought they were supposed to go. But the party was for a watch party for our favorite show. By the time the show started pretty much everyone left and I was ticked. I think Francine purposely wanted to ruin the party.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Perception of Conflict 4

We were all hanging out and Francine was trying to study. I guess she had a big final? I wasn't trying to distract her but I was laughing and joking with Joey. She sighed slammed her chair back, grabbed her stuff and took off.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's perception of COnflict 5

Alex stands up.

Alex is talking with his hands.Alex seems agitated.



Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex says: I realize that I sometimes am too focused on my own opinion and should cooperate more often. Save this comment to send to Mrs. Sims for later!

Return to Discussion Page

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

You respond:" Alex, lets talk about tips that could help benefit your relationshipsAlex answers: " I don't know how to have a better relationship with Joey and Francine."

Help Alex repair his relationships

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex sits up straighter.

Alex is smiling Alex is confident and proud.


First Client

Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues



Alex Smith

Alex's Non Verbal Cues

Alex says: I realize that I need to listen before I speak, and be more self aware of social situations and my impact on others.Save this comment to send to Mrs. Sims for later!

Return to Discussion Page


Francine is the best person in the whole world. I can't believe how supportive and disciplined she is. It's really nice to know someone has my back and looks out for me. She's really good at making the "tough" call.

Joey's Perspective

" Francine doesn't know how to relax. She's super controlling and always makes rude comments towards me. I was at JOEY's house when she told me, " Don't you need to study?" She never wants Joey and I to have a gaming and pizza night anymore. Joey always seems stressed out when she's around."


Alex's Perspective


" I've known Alex for forever. He used to protect me from bullies in school. He has always been super protective of me. However, Alex can be alot. He always has something going on and he's definitely always on the go. Sometimes I get exhausted being around him.

Joey's Perspective


Alex is alright, he's just a lot all the time. He kind of reminds me of a golden retriever. Like he's always hungry, and even if you throw the ball a million times he'll throw a tantrum if you dont a million and one times.

Francine's Perspective

" We have been inseparable since 8th grade. We play video games at Joey's house just like when we were in middle school. Joey is a great guy. He's always there to bail me out of trouble, and we can chill whenever. "

Alex's Perception


Alex and Joey


Joey is super sweet. He loves to take care of people and it's no shock that he's a nurse. Unfortunately, Joey doesn't know how to teach people to be independent. He's an easy target for moochers.

Francine's Perspective