Airplane Launcher
Tracy Johnson
Created on October 23, 2024
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Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcherUnderstand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
orden del día
1. Terminar la investigación2. Explorar (p.20-21) Crear un avión de papel3. Se crearán socios.4. Probar aviones: registrar datos 5. Salir
If you cut an earthworm in half, both halves will regenerate into two worms.
Real or Fake?
1. Finish Research2. Explore (p.20-21) Create a Paper Airplane3. Partners will be created.4. Test Airplanes - Record Data 5. Exit
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups is the most popular Halloween candy in the United States.
In ancient Rome, Halloween was celebrated by dressing up as historical figures and throwing candy at each other.
Samhain was the original name of Halloween.
In the 1800s, people would leave their doors unlocked on Halloween night to invite ghosts in.
turnips were originally used to carve Jack-o'-lanterns before pumpkins became popular.
Halloween originated in ireland.
Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcherUnderstand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
orden del día
1. Terminar la investigación2. Explorar (p.20-21) Crear un avión de papel3. Se crearán socios.4. Probar aviones: registrar datos 5. Salir
If you cut an earthworm in half, both halves will regenerate into two worms.
Real or Fake?
1. Finish Research2. Explore (p.20-21) Create a Paper Airplane3. Partners will be created.4. Test Airplanes - Record Data 5. Exit
Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcherUnderstand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
orden del día
1. Introducción2. Investigación3. billete de salida
Some species of jellyfish are immortal.
Real or Fake?
1. Introduction2. Research3. Exit ticket
Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcherUnderstand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
orden del día
1. Termina cualquier cosa del viernes2. Introducción3. Investigación4. billete de salida
Lightning can reach temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun.
Real or Fake?
1. Finish anything from Friday2. Introduction3. Research4. Exit ticket
Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcherUnderstand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
1. Termina cualquier cosa del viernes2. Introducción3. Investigación4. billete de salida
1. Finish anything from Friday2. Introduction3. Research4. Exit ticket
Lightning can reach temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun.
orden del día
Real or Fake?
1. Terminar la investigación2. Explorar (p.20-21) Crear un avión de papel3. Se crearán socios.4. Probar aviones: registrar datos 5. Salir
1. Finish Research2. Explore (p.20-21) Create a Paper Airplane3. Partners will be created.4. Test Airplanes - Record Data 5. Exit
If you cut an earthworm in half, both halves will regenerate into two worms.
Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcherUnderstand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
orden del día
Real or Fake?
1. Terminar la investigación2. Explorar (p.20-21) Crear un avión de papel3. Se crearán socios.4. Probar aviones: registrar datos 5. Salir
1. Finish Research2. Explore (p.20-21) Create a Paper Airplane3. Partners will be created.4. Test Airplanes - Record Data 5. Exit
If you cut an earthworm in half, both halves will regenerate into two worms.
Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcherUnderstand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
orden del día
Real or Fake?
Teacher Goal:Do CHAMPSUse Bolt Bucks
Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcherUnderstand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
1. Finish Research2. Explore (p.20-21) Create a Paper Airplane3. Partners will be created.4. Test Airplanes - Record Data 5. Exit
STEM: Engineering Design Process
Design a
Paper airplane launcher
12. Results
11. Engineering Design Process
10. Demonstration
9. Explore
8. Airplane Resources
5. Science Connection
4. Background Information
3. Learning Objectives
7. Video
2. Essential Question
6. Research
1. Overview
How do airplanes take off from aircraft carriers if they are so much shorter than regular runways?
MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.
Essential Questions
How can we use the engineering design process to create a successful paper airplane launcher that effectively converts potential energy to kinetic energy?What does our paper airplane launcher teach us about the relationship between potential and kinetic energy in real-world applications?
MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.
Learning Objectives:
- Use the engineering design process to design, build, and test a paper airplane launcher
- Understand how potential energy is converted to kinetic energy when using the launcher
A regular airport runway is much longer than an aircraft carrier. The biggest aircraft carrier is just over 1,000 feet long, but airport runways can typically be more than 6,000 feet long (over a mile!).
This poses a problem for aircraft carriers. The largest aircraft carrier is just over 1,000 feet long, or just under a quarter of a mile. That's really big for a ship—but not that long for a runway! In order to take off from such a short runway, planes need some help to get enough speed. They are assisted by a catapult, which provides extra energy from an outside source (like compressed air or electromagnets) to help the plane go faster.
Aircraft that take off from airport runways accelerate under their own power. The planes must get going fast enough to generate enough lift to get off the ground. So especially for large, heavy planes, airport runways are typically very long (over a mile) to make sure the planes have enough room to get up to speed.
Background Information
When the rubber band is released, that stored potential energy is converted to kinetic energy of the paper airplane.
A stretched rubber band stores elastic potential energy.
Science Connection
The Engineering Design ProcessScience Buddies
Work, Energy, and PowerThe Physics Classroom
How Aircraft Carriers WorkHowStuffWorks
Safety note: Do not throw paper airplanes at each other, especially when using the rubber band launchers!
In Partners
- Test how far you can throw your paper airplane with your entire arm. Test 10 times each and record your results.
- Test how far you can throw your paper airplane when ONLY using your wrist. Do not move shoulkders or elbows when throwing. Test 10 times each and record your results.
- Make a Paper Airplane. You may make your own OR use the instructions as a guide.
- Test your Airplane. It should go relatively straight. If not, make another one.
Paper Airplane Resources
Enter Room: johnson64
Exit Ticket
What did you observe when you threw the plane with only your wrist compared to throwing with your entire arm? How could we make the planes fly farther if we can only launch them over a short distance, like on an aircraft carrier?
4. Hold the pencil vertically with one end. Use your other hand to pull back the paper airplane, stretching the rubber band, and then release it. Watch the Introductory Video.
A Simple Airplane Launcher
- Staple a paper clip to the nose of a paper airplane, as shown below.
- Hook the paper clip through one end of the rubber band.
- Loop the other end of the rubber band around the tip of the pencil.
What happens when we release the rubber band?
What happens when we pull back the rubber band?
5. After making improvements, test their launcher. Each student should use the launcher 10 times and record results in your worksheet.
4. Time to iterate. Engineers rarely get things perfect on the first try! Based on your observations, make changes or improvements to your launcher.
3. Build a prototype of your launcher and do some initial tests to make sure it works. Does it have any major problems, like the paper airplane getting snagged or colliding with the launcher when it is launched, or the launcher not being sturdy enough to support the stretched rubber band?
2. Compare designs with your partner AND discuss the potential pros and cons of each design. Decide on a single design to build and test. Your final design can be a combination of ideas from both of your designs.
1. Sketch design ideas individually.
Engineering Design Process
Record all your Data in Google Sheets.Calculate the AVERAGE.Create a Graph for your data.
We're Done, now What????
Build a paper airplane launcher with a focus on accuracy instead of distance. Set a target distance (for example, 5 meters) and see if you can repeatedly land closest to the target. Or, you can build a hoop that your plane has to fly through. How much variability is there between copies of the same plane? Build multiple copies of the same paper airplane model and test each one multiple times. Is the average flight distance the same for each plane?
How did the paper airplane flight distances compare between the three different launching methods? How is the rubber band launcher similar to an aircraft carrier catapult?
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