Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Before class:

  • Read your assigned readings.
  • Complete any homework.
  • Skim headings, then read.
  • Write down vocabulary words you don't know.

Attend class!

  • Missing class is missing important information.
  • You might be confused if you miss class.

After class, review what you learned:

  • This will keep the content fresh in your mind.
  • It will help you identify what you didn't understand.

When doing your homework, use the intense study session.

  • If you work too long without a break, it becomes hard to learn.
  • Taking breaks helps your brain reset so that it's ready for the next things.
  • Trying to study nonstop is less effective.

Just because you finished doesn't mean you can forget it and move on.

  • Assess your own learning so that you can find gaps and improve.
  • If you don't learn something well, the next thing will be harder.
  • You don't want an ineffective foundation.