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Welcome to your DBA!Halloween Escape Room


1. Did you go trick or treating or hand out candy?2. Did you dress up?3. What is your favorite candy?

1. Current grade: 92.97 😍

Social beings

Narrative beings

We are visual beings

Up Next for you

Grade Check

There are four tasks for you to complete in this halloween escape room. I know you can do this! đŸ’Ș

Reminders:1. Use your notes2. Use the pre-DBAchart as a guide3. Do not be afraid to ask questions â˜ș TOPICS FOR TODAYMAD GoalsHealth Related FitnessTarget Heart Rate

Standards: Goal Setting: HE.912.R.2.3: Formulate a plan to attain a personal goal that addresses strengths, needs, and risks.PE.912.M.1.5: Apply strategies for self-improvement based on individual strengths and needs.Health Related Fitness: HE.912.PHC.1.2: Analyze personal strategies for prevention, detection, and treatment of communicable and chronic diseases. Benchmark Clarifications:PE.912.C.2.11: Explain how each of the health-related components of fitness is improved through the application of training principles.THR: PE.912.C.2.15: Calculate individual target heart-rate zone and analyze how to adjust intensity level to stay within the desired range.

Magical Progress


What is the MAD acronym?


Let's Review


Lesson learned!

Well done!

MeasurableAttainableDeadline Driven


Let's Review

MAD goals are:Measurable - have a numberAttainable - able to be achievedDeadline Driven - have a due dateLet's try again!


Let's Review



Steps to solution

"I want to start exercising"

What's the problem?

How can you fix it?

How did you make it better? Can we try one more?

Can we turn this into a MAD goal? "I will run non-stop for at least 20 minutes"

Measurable: is there a number? Attainable: is it something that can be achieved? Deadline: is there a "due date" to have it completed?

Is it Measurable? Is it Attainable? Is there a Deadline?

Lesson learned!

Well done!

Brilliant! Your goal is measurable, attainable, and deadline driven! I am SO glad you understand goals because one day you may feel overwhelmed with juggling classes, part-time work, and a social life! Writing goals can help to regain focus and clarity. Proud of you! â˜ș


Let's Review

Let's try again! â˜ș"I want to earn good grades in my math class"Now lets make it: MeasurableAttainableDeadline driven

Magical progress

Task 2 - Health Related FitnessKeep up the great work!


Let's Review


Lesson learned!

Well done!

Cardiovascular Endurance: Good cardiovascular fitness helps players maintain energy levels, recover quickly between sprints, and endure the game without fatigue. Muscular Strength: Strength helps with powerful hits and maintaining balance against opponents. Stronger muscles also support joints, reducing the risk of injury. Muscular Endurance: Enhanced muscular endurance allows players to maintain performance levels and resist fatigue. Flexibility: Flexibility helps prevent injuries by ensuring that muscles and joints can move through their full range of motion.Body Composition: A healthy body composition (a balance of muscle and fat) supports optimal performance. It enhances agility and speed, helping players be more agile on the court.

Understanding health related fitness components can help you become a better runner and marching band player.


Let's Review

1. Cardiorespiratory Fitness, which is being able to exercise for long periods of time without stopping.2. Flexibility, or the range of movement in your joints. Good flexibility decreases risk of injury and minimizes sore muscles. It also helps you maintain good posture and healthy joints. 3. Muscular Strength, or the amount of force your muscles can produce. You use muscular strength while working out, and even while performing everyday activities like sitting, standing, climbing, and lifting.4. Muscular Endurance, which is being able to repeatedly use your muscles without tiring. This helps you walk around all day, play an entire pickup game, and help your parents with hours and hours of chores. Fun. 5. Body Composition. This is the percentage of body fat as compared to lean muscle and bone.

Let's discuss how these can help you become a better runner?

Magical Progress

Task 3 - Target Heart RateThis is a tricky one, you can do it!


Let's review


Lesson learned!

Well done!

Understanding what target heart rate is can help you become an even better weight lifter!


Let's Review

How Is Target Heart Rate Calculated? 1. Determine your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) by subtracting your age from 220.220- age = MHR 2. Subtract your Resting Heart Rate (RHR) from your MHR. This gives your Heart Rate Reserve (HRmax Reserve).MHR- RHR = HRmax Reserve 3. To get the lower end of your target heart rate (50%), multiply your Heart Rate Reserve by .50 and then add your Resting Heart Rate to it.(HRmax Reserve × 0.50) + RHR = low end of zone 4. To get the higher end of your target heart rate zone (85%), multiply your Heart Rate Reserve from step 2 by 0.85, and add your Resting Heart Rate to it.(HRmax Reserve × 0.85) + RHR = high end of zone

Understanding how to calculate target heart rate can help you improve your workouts.

Magical progress

Task 4 - Last task!Target Heart Rate Zone

Evaluate the chart below. During their last band practice, each person averaged 165 beats per minute. Based on this information, how do we know that Lincoln worked at the highest intensity level?


Let's Review


Well done!

Lincoln was working at the highest intensity level because he was closest to the upper end of his heart rate zone.


Let's Review

Nice try! Lincoln was working at the highest intensity level because his beats per minute was closest to his upper end of his heart rate zone. Let's try again!

Magical progress

Congratulations! You got through the most difficult module in the course.yOU SHOULD BE SO PROUD OF YOURSELF!

Up next for you:1. Submit 01.10 Module 1 DBA with todays date in the student comment box2. I would love for you to resubmit 2.04 video3. Up next for you is Module 2 Wellness PlanFollow this QR for 2.08 help:3. Any questions? â˜ș

To do this, you must complete the wizardry manual by overcoming each of the 4 lessons you will find: · Bewitched Forest· Potions· Divination· Enchantments. Test your magical skills and try not to fail or you will have to retakethe test.

Become an expertin witchcraft!