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SMARTY - A digital tool to assess adult’s migrant skills toward social integration-n. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000157816


There are techniques to stimulate creative thinking and learn to find alternative paths in any field you are involved in. So... all that's left for you to do is PRACTICE!

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BRAINSTORMING, or "mental assault," This is a group creative technique. At the start of a project, all the people meet and share ideas. Anyone can give ideas, without worrying if they are practical or not. Even strange ideas are welcome. These ideas can help solve the problem. The results are great! Watch the video.

Usean image

VISUAL BRAINSTORMING: the technique is the same as brainstorming, but this time using only images, sketches, or photos.

THE SIX THINKING HATS: This helps people think in different ways by wearing different hats. Each hat is a new role, and you see the problem from different points of view. This helps us think in new ways, not just how we usually think.

WOW Effect

MIND MAPS: These are simple drawings that help us use our brain better. They show ideas in pictures and help us remember things. Mind maps copy how the brain works, which is not always in a straight line