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In and out of cultural context

Compass for understanding diversity

Useful tool for a better understanding,embrace both the seen and unseen


Culture has components that are external facing or above the surface and visible, and the majority of culture, about 90%, is hidden below the surface

Deep culture

Only about 10% of the iceberg is visible at any given time and a large part of it is hidden beneath the surface

Surface culture

One of the most well-known metaphors for culture, allowing one to question its visible and invisible manifestations, by Edward T. Hall (1976).


It focuses on facilitating a better understanding of how implicit cultural codes (such as values, norms, and myths) are present in intercultural interactions. We filter information through our own cultural filters. Icebergs can come in all shapes and sizes.

Useful tool to help understand the complexity of culture

Further reading

Universal theory

The theory points out how difficult it is at times to understand people with different cultural backgrounds.We may spot the visible parts of “their iceberg”, but we cannot immediately see what are the foundations that these parts rest upon.Acknowledging and understanding also the invisible elements is crucial for effective intercultural communication, as they significantly impact the interpretation and meaning of observable behaviours.

Cultural proficiency necessitates exploring and appreciating all dimensions

The 10%/90% theory can be applied in other contexts as well. The basic idea being that you only see a small part and there is a lot more going on that you cannot see, it can be applied everywhere in our lives.

Below the surface


  • Values & ethics
  • Traditions & beliefs
  • Communication styles & rules
  • Gestures & body language
  • Approaches to
    • Religion
    • Decision-making
    • Problem solving
  • Notions of
    • Leadership
    • Friendship
    • Beauty


  • Attitudes towards
    • Age
    • Rules
    • Work
    • Marriage
    • Animals
  • Concepts of
    • Fairness
    • Justice
    • Time
    • Past/future
    • Self
    • Roles (age, sex, class, ...)

Subconcious, can have an important influence on our behaviour, values, feelings & thoughts.

Not immediately visible. The more you are immersed to another culture, the more these hidden aspects are revealed.

  • Art & literature
  • Music
  • Food
  • Fashion
  • Architecture
  • Etiquette
  • Holidays & festivals
  • Flags
  • Language


Tip of the iceberg


Easy to see, taste or hear, a glimpse to a culture

Represents only 10%