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What animal do you associate yourself with?

What are th smartest animals?Do animals have feelings/ emotions/ thoughts?


Do animals have language?

1. Why do crabs wave their claws at each other? a) to say hello mate b) to say they are ready to mate c) as a warning 2. How do cuttlefish warn rivals? a) with sounds b) displaying tentacles c) skin patterns 3. How do bees communicate the location of food sources? a) dancing b) buzzing c) stinging 4. What does grammar provide to language? a) words and sounds b) new ideas c) rules


Do animals have language?

circus and zoos

ecosystems and extinction


animal testing

Animal problems

How might our relationship with animals change in the future

Let's discuss

What role do animals play in our culture?

Can you name an animal that can live in extreme conditions?

What are some common behaviors of pets that you find amusing?

Which animals do you have an irrational fear of?

What is the difference between humans and other animals?

What do humans need animals for? How do animals help us?
