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White, Grey, and Black Hat Hackers

Annelise Thorn

History of Hacking

  • Hacking can be traced back to the 1960s
    • First known hack:
      • The "phone phreaks" hacked the telephone system and was able to make free long-distance calls
  • 1970s:
    • Hackers began to hack computer systems
  • 1980s and On:
    • Hackers began targeting businesses and individuals for personal gain
    • Hacktivists began

White Hat Hacker

  • Use their hacking skills to find and fix security problems in computer systems to protect organizations from harmful hackers
  • Often work for companies as security experts and help prevent issues by making systems stronger
  • Example:
    • Richard Stallman created a free software project that promotes freedom regarding the use of computers

Grey Hat Hacker

  • Someone who finds security problems in computer systems without permission, and then tells the owner, sometimes asking for payment to fix the issue.
  • Do a mix of good and bad, as they help by finding issues but don't get permission before hacking
  • Example:
    • A grey hat hacker may break into computer systems to let administrators know their networks have exploitable vulnerabilities that need to be fixed and request a finder’s fee

Black Hat Hacker

  • Someone who uses their hacking skills to break into computer systems for illegal reasons, often to steal money or information
  • Some start with basic tools, while others work for criminal organizations that operate like businesses, even offering customer support for their illegal software
  • Often focus on specific types of hacking, like phishing, and may find jobs through dark web forums
  • Example:
    • Kevin Mitnick hacked into over 40 major corporations, including IBM and Motorola, and the US National Defense warning system

Ethical vs. Unethical Hacking

  • Ethical hacking
    • Protects systems by identifying vulnerabilites
    • Operates with permission by the system owner
  • Unethical hacking
    • Exploit systems for personal gain or harm
    • Operates without permission by the system owner

How All 3 Forms of Hacking Relate to Cyber Security

  • White Hat Hackers
    • Uses the same techniques as malicious hackers but for defensive purposes.
  • Black Hat Hackers
    • Uses malicious techniques to breach security, steal data, or disrupt services.
  • Grey Hat Hackers
    • Uses hacking techniques to identify weaknesses but may not harm systems directly.
  • In summary, ethical white hacking builds cybersecurity defenses, black hat hacking threatens those defenses, and gray hat hacking operates in the middle, sometimes helping but often complicating the situation. All three forms drive the ongoing evolution of cybersecurity.

Additional Sources

  • https://bluegoatcyber.com/blog/a-journey-through-the-history-of-hacking/
  • https://www.proofpoint.com/au/threat-reference/hacking
  • https://www.cobalt.io/blog/history-of-hacking