Copy - Online Version - Fonteva Board Game
Antonio Mendoza
Created on October 22, 2024
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Fonteva Game
Pick a Basics Challenge.
Choose your player (on the left) and place the piece on the START space. Roll the dice to move your piece forward and follow the instructions on each space. If instructed to move again, do not complete the action on the new space. On Challenge Spaces, draw a card from the corresponding category and complete the task. Other players in the group or the SME will validate your answer. First player to the FNISH or the farthest along when the time is up wins the game! If one player finishes early, the other players should continue to play.
You participated in a discussion that helped others during training. Move forward 1 space.
You sent a question to the AMS Transition Mailbox.Move forward1 space.
You didn't complete your prerequisite training. Go back 1 space.
Pick a Membership Challenge.
You successfully took training in MapleLMS.Move forward 2 spaces.
Pick an Events Challenge.
Pick a Knowledge Challenge.
Pick a Membership Challenge.
Pick a Basics Challenge.
Oh no! Your internet isn't working and you missed a training session. Go back1 space.
You successfully logged into the Sandbox. Move forward 1 space.
Pick an Events Challenge.
Pick a Membership Challenge.
Pick a Knowledge Challenge.
You helped a collleague answer a question about Fonteva. Roll again for teamwork! (Complete the action on the new space.)
You attended Fonteva Bootcamp! Move forward 1 space.
Pick an Events Challenge.
Pick a Basics Challenge.
You had to reset your password.Go back 1 space.
You left a question in the Parking Lot. Move forward 1 space.
Pick a Knowledge Challenge.
Pick a Knowledge Challenge.
Pick a Membership Challenge.
Pick a Membership Challenge.
Pick an Events Challenge.