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5th Grade Science

Malina Carnelison

5th Grade Science


  • Students will learn about photosynthesis as a class
  • Students will interact with classmates along with a hint with interactive images
  • Students will particaplate in breathing exersises
  • Students will watch a video about photosynthesis
  • Students will take a short quiz over the information and video provided
  • Students will look at visusal graphs and clues

What is Photosynthesis?

Talk to your neighbor and take a guess about what photosynthesis is! You have 1 minute to take a guess!


Need a Hint?

What Is Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a process plants use to make their own food. For their recipe they use sunlight, water, and gasses in the air to make glucose.But what is glucose?

Glucose is a type of sugar plants need to survive

Plants also create oxygen from carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide or CO2 is the gas we produce when we breathe out. We breathe in a gas called oxygen.

Exersise Break!

Now lets do some breathing exersises. The point of this exersise is to show that we release carbon dioxide when we exhale but when we inhale we take in oxygen. PLANTS DO THE OPISITE!! Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen for us to breathe.

Here is how photosythesis works

Now lets test this out!

Chlorophyll Visual Graph

Stomata Visual Graph