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DTSC5303 - Assignment 4.1B

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A massive attack against 13 root domain servers of the Internet is launched by unidentified hackers. The aim: to stop the domain name resolution service around the net.


The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in US adopted


Bill Landreth, aka ‘The Cracker’, is convicted of hacking computer systems and accessing NASA and Department of Defense computer data.


MIT becomes home to the first computer hackers, who begin altering software and hardware to make it work better and/or faster.


Ethical vs. Unethical HackingWhether hacking is ethical or not comes down to having the authorization to access the system and if any damage is done during the hack.

DTSC5303 - Assignment 4.1B

White, Grey, and Black Hat Hackers

These three forms of hacking are related to cyber security because white hats are working to secure networks and prevent black hats from achieving their goals and grey hats can be helpful in doing the same, but their actions are not sanctioned and are therefore, technically illegal.

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Certified Ethical Hacker

White Hat Hacker

White Hat Hackers are usually security researchers or penetration testers.Their actions are sanctioned by the companies that they are hacking and they are getting paid for their actions.Normally, they have authorization to test a system for vunerabilities but have to report those vunerabilities once they find them and are not allowed to exploit them


Grey Hat Hacker

Grey Hat Hackers generally are not operating with malicious intent or the intent to cause damage, however, they are usually operating without the consent or authorization of the entity or organization that they are hacking.They usually report the vunerabilities they find to the affected company with hopes of getting a fee for find and/or fixing the issue.Sometimes, they hack in order to bring awareness to vunerabilities or lack of safety within certain systems, usually with the hopes of notorioty or recognition.

Cyber Criminal

Black Hat Hacker

Black Hat Hackers are the ones that you see all of the news stories about. They are the ones that are accessing company systems in order to steal data or information to sell for a profit.Sometimes, black hat hackers are not even looking for financial gain, but just to cause damamge or chaos.Black hat hackers can be part of large criminal organizations that can be set up and run just like legitimate companies, but are operating completing outside the bounds of the law.

  • https://encyclopedia.kaspersky.com/knowledge/a-brief-history-of-hacking/
  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-hacking-and-ethical-hacking/
  • https://www.upguard.com/blog/difference-between-cybersecurity-and-ethical-hacking

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