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save the planet

presentation by Bisi Matilde


nowadays we all know that plastic is one of the most polluting materials because it need of many years to decompose and it also releases micro-plastics .A perfect example is the plastic that is in the sea or in the rivers that releases these substances, or may just look like a jelly fish(or others animals), the fishes eats it and if they survive(cause many times they choke in the plastic) when we fish'em we are eating the plastic that is in their stomach.


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Another problem is the smog,created by cars and industries.The combustion releases CO2, a polluting element that we need, because it protect us from the sun, but now its way too much and this is dangerous also for our healt

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the green house effect is the concequences of the amount of CO2(a green house gas) and others gases, like methane(released by cows farts) ,is like an invisible glass of a green house that keeps all the heat af the sun trapped.This effect is the cause of global warming

green house effect

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global warming

Global warming, caused by the green house effects, is a dangerous problem.For example glaciers are melting due to the increase of the temperatures, because of this the sea level is raising.All of the fresh water of the glaciers is now mixing with the seas salty one.Antartica is turning green and now there is water in the deserts, this shows the consequences of climate change.

1900 2024


the temperature in the globe is around 15° C, in 1900 was of 12.7° C

it is

the temperature of the planet,without air should be 33° less, so -18°

should be

0° C




those counttries generate from 31 to 50 % of pollution more than what the guide linees impose


china,Bangladesh,Pakistan. USA, Russia, and in general Asia are the countries that pollutes the most

the countries


-cleans bali from plastic and makes chairs whit it

sungai watch


its important to recycle all the trash

waste sorting

eolic, hidro-electric , solar, geoermic and biomass energy

bike, hybrid and electric cars and also autobus

no smog transports


renewable energy

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act now to save the planet

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no smog transports

In italy, near Milan, the state is building a car-recharging road, that works with some pannels, put under the ground that, thanks to the solar energy, will recharge the electric cars.It shoul be ready for 2025

recycle and dont waste

plastic can be recycled and reused, for example we can make a sweater out of plastic, but the problem is that often the plastic gets trown on the floor and that not anyone does the waste sorting, specially in the poor areas of the world. In the poor zones plastic is everywhere, people is surrounded by it: its in the rivers, on the floor... everywhere.Luckily there are volunteers cleaning these zones.

There is also an association who creates chairs out of plastic bags, called Sungai Watch, located in Bali, who removed pver 1.8 million kilograms of plastic from the rivers,put barriers to stop trash before it reaches the oceand and then turns the plastic into pannels and they now make chairs with the plastic.

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renewable energy

We should increase the use of renewable energy and decrease the one generated by the fossil fuels

waste sorting

it should be possible also in the poor areas, also beacause nowadays people die due to the low igenic sanitary situation of pollution.