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Understanding and Mastering Visibility Rules

A few general points

In terms of visibility, the main needs identified with our clients:

  • Team's organization by geographical area
  • Team's organization by functional area
  • Organization by SSC

Main challenges

As standard, there are several options

  • Cases visibility management
    • for agents and employees
  • Content visibility management
    • Knowledge Base content
    • Portal content
  • Documents visibility management
    • Break & Learn #6 replay available

"Visibility" - options?

Configure visibility 1 - for HR agents

Path : Settings> Team/Agent > Teams > Permission & Visibility tab

Single entry point

This setting allows to define visibility on employees. Two options:

  • "All accounts - Tous les comptes"
in order to see all employees
  • Select "Organizational group"
already created in Settings > Organization / Employee> Organization groupsNote: Organization groups are generally populated by employees import

Organization groups

This setting allows to restrict visibility on cases between teams.The team only sees its cases and the cases of the teams for which it has visibility and which share the same entities Settings- 2 actions:

  • Select the teams
  • Check the box"Exclusive visibility"

Visible teams



This setting allows to restrict the team's visibility on a queueReminder: A queue is a folder used to sort casesBy adding a filter on queues, a team will be able (or not) to see cases on processes Settings:

  • Check the queues
  • Define permissions


A team scope can be applied to one or several teams. It highlights items for agents :

  • Email templates
  • Processes
  • Document templates
  • Properties and/or lists
Path : Settings > Team/Agent > Team scope

Team scope

Configure visibility2 - for Employees

Service catalog will define a list of processesBy default, each employee inherits its organization's service catalog Note: It is at the service catalog level that we manage the resetting (or not) of properties (process change or child request)Path: Settings > Service catalog & SLA > Service catalog

Service catalog

Roles will manage the visibility of employees on the portal :

  • Portal content (Knowledge Base, Pages, Text zones, HTML zones, ...)
  • Cases (Dashboards, List of cases, ...)
Note: Roles will be created beforehand Path: Settings > Organization/Employees > Employee roles

Employee roles

Use case


Mike MarshFrance

  • Accesses KB articles for UK
  • Create a case for Peter on the right process

Name: Country:Need:


Peter EvansUnited Kingdom

  • Asks his manager a question about teleworking conditions in the UK

Name: Country: Need:

Use case

1 - Manager search

2 - Create a case on behalf of

3 - List of processes


  • Create Employee - Manager relation
  • Define employee's Service catalog
  • Define processes' roles
  • Create one module only in order to:
    • Create a new case
    • Display the list of processes
  • Available from 16.10

Settings implemented

Merci !