Fall LTM
V Briggs
Created on October 21, 2024
More creations to inspire you
V BriggsAdvisor: Brook Achterhof
šFall LTMsš
Esto es un pƔrrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.
Questions& Comments
Needs& Goals
If you were left on an island with either your worst enemy or no one, which option would you choose? Why?
Opening Question!
In the reflection section of this LTM, I have chosen 5 classes to reflect on. Science, Language Arts, Global Studies, Spanish, and finally Art!
Reflection ~ Science
Plants in Space
I've been working well with Sophia, we both work hard to make sure our plant info is up to date, and we have everything we need. I'm really proud of how well Sophia and I are working together! This plants in space unit has been really fun, and I'm really glad I get to work with Sophia.
In Science, my lab partner (Sophia) and I have been experimenting with lettuce plants! We've been manipulating the amount (and type) of light our plants get, and have recorded the results.
Reflection ~ Language Arts
Choosing a Memoir
At first, I did not want to read a memoir. Emelio encouraged me to just pick one and read a bit of it. I reluctantly followed through, reading the beginning of the book I'm reading now, 'All Boys Aren't Blue'. I instantly fell in love. I think this is a great example of a way I've grown in LA.
This year in LA, I chose a memoir to read this fall term. It's called 'All Boys Aren't Blue', written by George M. Johnson (they/them).
Reflection ~ Global Studies
Zinn Reading & Questions on the Great War
I am really proud of this work. I tried really hard to understand all the material, and explain my thinking to Wendy. I exceded the expectation of a page with three! I thought this assignment was realy fun, and I hope we have more like it later on in the year.
In social studies, we had homework reguarding the causes of World War 1
Reflection ~ Spanish
Unidad 1 -- Mercado
I am really proud of my mercado! I was absent for a few days, so I had to examine the slides while I was in Texas. I think I did a pretty good job for being absent. I colored each item including the price and eeven a fun title. One thing I could have done better was to and the USD - Colon rate in the cornner.
Spanish! I love spanish, expecially this market unit. In the end, we made a 'menu' for our market.
Reflection ~ Art
Our most recent art piece
With this, I think I could have done a better job to connect to an artist. The artist I choose did a lot of monochrome paint, and I tried to capture that a bit in my piece.
For art I made this piece with acrylic paint and I reused a canvas. The task was to make art relating in some way to another artist.
Motorcycle aside, I have needs for this year! In the needs section I'll discuss my needs for the year. I have three main needs to help support my learning at SGS. Additionally, a bit more about me as a learner.
~ 1st ~
I need clear instructions! To do the best work I can, it's helpful to have proper instructions. I know my teachers will help support me best I can if I have a question, as well as my peers! In return, I also try to do my best to support my classmates when they have questions, and we work together to make sure everyone has equal understanding of the consept we are working towards.
I need instruction!
~ 2nd ~
No matter what I'm doing, I will always need time to properly complete my task/assignment. Teachers are really great at making sure we can get extentions if needed, and making sure we have clear time peramiters on all of our work. I think just making sure that all stays clear thoughout the year would be really helpful.
I need time!
~ 3rd ~
In math especially, a challange is always helpful. Challange helps motivate me to do my best. With the right instruction and support, I love being able to learn and grow with challanges that are set into my assignments, and even typical school day.
I need things that challange me!
~ Who am I as a learner? ~
I learn in a few different ways. I'm good online, and with online assignments and tasks, but I know in-class work time is also helpful. As my teachers know, if I have questions about homework or any in-class assignments, I'll email or ask in-person so no stress there.
~ Planners! ~
This year, you all know I have a planner to organize my thoughts. I'm getting better at keeping it up to date and organized, but I know I still have to work on it. I will briefly mark due dates in the callander section, and give a more detailed assignment overview in my notes section.
How does mine work?
~ High School ~
As I know my family is aware, I'm applying to Aviation in November. Even if I dont get in, I think it's a great experience to have. My 'backup' school is Garfield. I think this is a great backup school. It has math support, band, and sports. That's about it! If you have comments about this topic, we can come back.
What's on my mind?
~Goals and Support~
In the Goals section I'll discuss my goals for the rest of this year! These goals revolve around three main topics. Academics, Social & Emotional, and Justace & Anti-Bias.
Goal 1 ~ Academic
My academic goal is to work on keeping my planner up to date. This will help me keep track of my assignments, helping insure none are turned in late. I will do this throughout the year, and I can achieve this by marking my planner every Tuesday in advisory. This is important to me because keeping up with my work will help me do better in class. I will complete this goal by the end of the school year, and I will check in with my advisory peers or my advisor (Brook) each Tuesday or even Work-Lab.
Goal 2 ~ Social Emotional
My social emotional goal for this year relates to my flexibility in a team! Sometimes working in groups can be difficult and frustrating, especially when your group had different oppinoins or views. I'm going to work on being flexible, and giving others the chance to take the lead.
Being flexible in a team!
Goal 3 ~ Justice & Anti-Bias
My justice & Anti-Bias goal is to help support my fellow Gender Expansive Affinity as much as possible! This school year, from our first meeting to our last, as a leader of the affinity, it's my job to make sure everyone is represented and feels comfortable! I love this leadership position, and I think I can really help support GE this year with Emma and Elle.
Gender Expansive Leadership Role! <3
Questions& Comments
Needs& Goals
Thank you!
Esto es un pƔrrafo listo para contener creatividad, experiencias e historias geniales.