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The Musculoskeletal System

  • Tense for long periods of time
  • Can promote stress related disorders
  • Shoulder and Neck tightness cause headaches and migraines
  • Pain in the lower back and upper extremities
  • Worse time recovering

The Cardio Vascular System

  • Long-term stress responsible for heart and blood vessel problems
  • High level heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones takes a serious toll on the body
  • Seen to affect cholesterol levels

The Male Reproductive Sysem

  • Stress can affect testosterone production
  • Affect number of sperm production and maturity
  • Vulnerable to infection within the reproductive system

The Nervous System

  • Increased heart rate at all times
  • Cause stress reactions from stressed state even when there is no threat
  • Cause long term drain on the body and overuse of body systems become problematic