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Week 9

Day 2

Interview Assignment

Chapter 2


Family System Theory
How are families at risk?

What are some strategies for effective communication?

What Do Families look like today?
Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model of Human Development

Contemperary families


Interview assignment

Chapter 2 Building on a Tradition of Excellence

Early Childhood Education spans back approximately 150 years.

Why history is important?

+ info

Try it out

  1. Find one historical event from early Childhood Education. (Individual Activity - 5 minutes)
  2. Brainstorm HOW this event is RELEVANT to the 21st Century. How is it IMPORTANT to Early Childhood Education students, teachers, families or programs? (Individual Activity - 5 minutes)
  3. Sit in your Group and discuss your point of view. Come up with 2 most agreed upon RELEVENT and IMPORTANT Early Childhood Education students, teachers, families or programs. (Group Activity - 5 minutes)
  4. Visit the Google Slide and share your answers for participation points. (Group Activity - 5 minutes)
  5. You may need to do a quick search of the 2 events you chose in the group to learn more about it This will help determine the relevance.

Quickly go through pages 51 -59 i.e. Leaders and Events in the Early Childhood Movement in the United States

+ G.Slides

Day 3

+ info

These challenges can be overcome by keeping these three tips in mind.

Solving problems= new challenges

Children as blank slates

Children as innocents

IMages of childhood today

the child as a citizen with rights

The competent child

Children's economic value

Children as miniature adults

Children Needing redemption

ARE Children changing

+ Link

If you haven't seen a Montessori Classroom, click for a great video of the different parts of a Montessori Day.

european influences on ece

United States ece Movements

Many laws have helped changes occur to improve the services for special education setudents

Early childhood special education






Renamed IDEA


Federal Government

the story of head start

+ info

In 1960, in response to Lyndon Jonson's War on Poverty, head Start was developed to change the face of Early Childhood Education for the lower class. The Nursery School and Child care Movements merged into new model of early care.

Monday, October 28, 2024
  1. Choose a theorist from the list below that you are most interested in learning more about and possibly modeling your own classroom philosophy. Post the theorist of the Google Doc page. ONE theorist should not be taken more than TWO times.
  2. Create your google doc and share the theorists biographical information and important contributions to education.
  3. Write one paragraph sharing how this theorist can shape your future classroom.

Educational theorists activity

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WuOiSYBhr0
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OFc_-3BWVY


  • Most of the issues that we are facing in 21st century have already occurred in the past.
  • Understanding historical solutions will help our decision making skills today.

Historical influences of EDE come from....

  • Child Development
  • Education
  • Medicine
  • Psychology
  • Eociology
Change is constant. setting realistic goals for change will lead to success

3. Advocate for Change

Follow the lead of historical pioneers in ECE for motivation with new challenges

2. Aspire to Make a Difference for CHILDREN

1. Avoid getting Stuck in the Past

Newer research, theories and situations can help us find a better solution to past challenges