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1.Define Modular Design

Modular design is organizing code into modules that have high cohesion and low coupling

2. What is Cohesion

The level of focus/ level of specialization of a module.

3. What does it mean for a module to have low coupling?

A module with low coupling has fewer, more important connections/relations with other modules

4. What are the three main reasons that modular design is important?

1. Easier to stay within budget

2. Easier to maintain system

3. System is more reliable

5. How will you know if your design is modular?

You will know the design is modular if you can identify specific modules and test them easily without interfering with other modules.

What do you understand by layered design?

Layered design is a type of modular design where the modules have levels of access and modules in higher levels can use lower level modules.

2 Examples of Layered design in real-life complex software

Operating system, Network

  • Manages Complexity
  • Portable
  • Maintatable
  • Reusable
  • Easy to create blueprints

Benefits of Layered Design