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Gladys Bjornson scrapbook(1924)

B.Gladys Bjornson Viking Yearbook 1924

A. The photos are the central focus on the this pages. It seems that Gladys wanted to conserve this memories of her friends and her hanging out together.

A. In the opposite of what one would think of this era, they seem in a relax an friendly enviroment. This photos works as a way to conserve this memories

B. Some information about Gladys Bjornson'1924: She attend to Twin Valley high school,and participated in some organizations in St. Olaf as; Phi Kappa Phi. Choral Union. Messenger Staff. Intersociety Board. Y.W.C. A. cabinet. Viking Yearbook 1924

C. The 1920's was a improvement decade for women rights in the U.S and there was a overall advances everywhere. In base of this we can think of their sense of fashion in the photos are more daring, comfortable and simple in this time of cultural transition.

C. As the U.S was in a cultural transition, we can assum higher institutions as St.Olaf College were also having a change in how the role of women was perceive in the educational enviroment. This photo allow us to appreciate their independence and also reflect their unifying experience in St.Olaf College. Below is attached a few words from the Dean Hilleboe to the women of St. Olaf College. for more info about Dean Hilleboe Viking Yearbook 1924

C. The 1920's best known as the "Roaring twenties" was an era of social and cultural change as was mentioned before. The outdoors activities around the campus and the community activities between this group of friends can reflect how women started to have more freedom and autonomy in society. History

C. The nature in St. Olaf has always been important as we can observe in this photos. We can identify they were near the Library by Old main and some other places around the campus. In comparison to the present, the nature on campus is still a big part of St. Olaf students experience.

C. In terms of photography in the 1920's cameras were starting to be more accesible to people, an example is the launch of the Single lens reflex (SLR) in a smaller format. This allowed people to captured their own experiences and memories through the students eyes itselt in a more spontaneous way that can be observe in this photos. cameras 1920's

D.Looking at this photos and research about it, I feel it is amazing how basically after 100 years we are able to see how was the life of St. Olaf studets back then, how things as the clothing has changed, or how places as Old Main or the library are still there it feels pretty much surreal, yet interesting.

C. After this assigment I have learned how the social-political context can affect how we perceived the photos and what other important meaning have. At the beggining I chose this parts of the scrapbook becase I simply liked the spountaneous of the captured moments, now I can understand that behind that it was a lot of history going around.
