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Il sistema scolastico inglese

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The English School System

Do you know a very famous school in Britain?Yes! It's Hogwarts, Harry Potter's school. Watch the video... Let's discover the schools in Britain!

Agenda 2030Goal 4Right to Education

GOAL 4: QUALITY EDUCATIONEnsure that all children have the right to primary and secondary education ensuring equal opportunities for girls and boys, children with disabilities, indigenous minorities and victims of war.Young people must have access to technical and vocational training and university education.'

Agenda 2030

Italian Constitution

This is what the Italian Constitution says about the right to education:Art.30: È dovere e diritto dei genitori mantenere, istruire ed educare i figli [...]Art. 33 L’arte e la scienza sono libere e libero ne è l’insegnamento [...]Art. 34: La scuola è aperta a tutti. L'istruzione inferiore, impartita per almeno otto anni, è obbligatoria e gratuita.

Primary and Secondary Schools

The two main (=principali) types of schools in England are primary schools and secondary schools.Primary school education is compulsory (=obbligatoria) from the age of 5 to 11.Secondary school education is compulsory from 11 to 16 years of age.At 16 some students leave school and do vocational training (= corsi di formazione professionale).About 70% of students stay at secondary school until they are 18.

There are 5 stages (=livelli) of education in England, called "Key Stages" At each stage students study different subjects.Students start secondary school at the age of 11, in Year 7.The compulsory subjects are:English, Maths, Science, Art and Design, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Design and Technology (D&T), Geography, History, Music, Physical Education (PE), Citizenship, Religious Education (RE) and Languages.

'What's your favourite school subject? Why?

'The school year in England is from September to July.Students usually get six weeks of holiday in the summer.

Schools in the UK

At the end of Key Stage 3, when they are 14, students choose subjects to study in Key Stage 4.At the age of 16, students do national GCSE (General Certificate of Seconday education) exams in at least (=almeno) nine subjects.At Key Stage 5, students usually study three or four subjects and at the end of Year 13 they do national exams, called A-levels.At 18, they go to university or get a job.In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the systems are similar, but they aren't exactly the same.

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Interactive Question

Interactive Question

Interactive Question

Interactive Question

Interactive Question

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  • Do you like English schools?
  • Is it a good idea starting school at 9?
  • Would you like to wear school uniforms?
  • Do you think that 6 weeks of holidays are enough?

Revision:read the text again (p. 253 "And you? 1)

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