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verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives

QUESTION 1/8 - gerunds or infinitives?

QUESTION 2/8 - gerunds or infinitives?

QUESTION 3/8 - gerunds or infinitives?

QUESTION 4/8 - gerunds or infinitives?

QUESTION 1-4/8 - gerunds or infinitives?


There are some verbs that can only be followed by an infinitive or a gerund. There isn't a rule to learn them in an easy way, the only way to learn them is by memorizing them.

QUESTION 5/8 - gerunds or infinitives?

QUESTION 6/8 - gerunds or infinitives?

QUESTION 7/8 - gerunds or infinitives?

QUESTION 8/8 - gerunds or infinitives?

QUESTION 5-8/8 - gerunds or infinitives?


There are some verbs that doesn't change meaning if used with a gerund or an infinitive. Some other verbs instead change compleatly meaning if followed by a gerund or an infinitive.As said before the only way to learn and know them is by memorizing them.

End of the quiz!

Congratulation and thanks for playing!