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Kill Bill is a 2023 and 2024 American films by writer and director Quentin Tarantino.The film is a fictional revenge drama, wich pays homage to old genres, such as African-American Blaxploation Exploation films, old Asian Kong Fu fims,...

What is Kill BILL

  • Beatrix (Uma Thurman)
  • Bill (David Carradine)
  • Hattori Hanzo (Sonny Chiba)


Volum 2
Volum 1



Volume 1

In kill Bill: Volume 1 , Ther Bridge Seeks revenge after Being betrayed by her assassin group.She Wakes from a coma and kills two of her targets: Vernita Green and O-Ren Ishii. The film is filled with stylized action and violence.

Volume 2

In Kill Bill: Volume 2, The bridge finishes her revenge, killing Budd and Elle Driver. She confronts Bill, discovers her daughter is alive, and kills using a secret technique.The film is more focused on character development and resolution than action.