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Welcome to ApriliaDistribution Center

8k square meters (6k with HVAC 2° - 30°) 3 temperature rooms (15°- 25° C°) FTE (70% men & 30% female)Certifications ISO 14001 ISO 13485 JRC: SCORE CLeased since 198855k active SKUs: all MedTech products (no Visio&Amo)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt utlaoreet dolore magna

+ info

40% qty scrapped is related to pullback activity

35% value scrapped is related to pullback activity

#10k orders/year; 310k qty/year

15M$ physically scrap/year (1.2M$/month)

Products that are no longer salable because they are damaged, expired and/or obsolete

Return Area

Data Storage

Inventory value 40 million

Stock of approximately 260K eah (November closing date)

#54K Active SKUs (salable)

Data Storage

Inventory value 40 million

Stock of approximately 260K eah (November closing date)

#54K Active SKUs (salable)

13K set shipped/year (60/day)

2.4K number of instruments and non sterile implants

5 washing machines for decontamination

OKL Non Sterile AreaDecontamination

Average lead time up to 3 days

90% of procedural kits are make-to-order

4.5K procedural kits/year (20-30 per day)

60 customized procedures

Surgery Products assembled, based on tenders or similar agreements with one or more customers to perform a surgery

Procedural Kit

20K QTY stored (9% total stock)

#500 tsp products (1% #saleable product)

Temperature monitoring throughVaisala probes (every 5 min.) and backup dataloggers

Temperature Control Room

3 rooms that ensure a temperature between 15°-25°C

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Data Storage

Inventory value 40 million

Stock of approximately 260K eah (November closing date)

#54K Active SKUs (salable)

370k lines per year (1.5k per day)

2.2M box/year (9k/day)

36 pallet/day

Receiving Area

D2S service level agreement 24 hour (>= 95% within 15 hrs)

Shipping Area

15% related to CSS

24% related to OE

61% related to DPS

270K qty returned/year (1.2K/day):

4% related to OE

48% related to CSS

48% related to DePuy

10K return orders/year (40/day):

16K set shipped/year (70/day)

2.2K number of sterile implants modules

OKL Sterile Area

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor

Consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
  • Consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut.
  • Labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Data Storage

Inventory value 40 million

Stock of approximately 260K eah (November closing date)

#54K Active SKUs (salable)

Carriers Area

Average lead time 1,2 days

94% shipments managed by National carrier, 6% by regional

0.7% Premium +

T6.8% Premium

92.5% standard

Transport4 type (% on # orders)

No POD 1.1%

Transport 0.5%

Distribution 0.1%

E2E OTIF 78%

Carriers consolidate orders by shipments and invoices

Sample Area

21K samples/year:

4K for tender requirement

17K for sales order

21K samples/year:

Data Storage

Inventory value 40 million

Stock of approximately 260K eah (November closing date)

# 54K SKUs attive (salable)

40% qty scrapped is related to pullback activity

35% value scrapped is related to pullback activity

#10k orders/year; 310k qty/year

15M$ physically scrap/year (1.2M$/month)

Products that are no longer salable because they are damaged, expired and/or obsolete

QA Cage

J&J MedTechCare4TodaySmart Tracking

1.2M box/year (5k/day)

12K orders/year (50/day)

80 customers (104 ship to)

3 dedicated picking stations and 2 packing stations

Dedicated manual picking & packing processes

Data Storage

Inventory value 40 million

Stock of approximately 260K eah (November closing date)

#54K Active SKUs (salable)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do.

13K set shipped per year(60/day)

2.4K non-sterile sets:

16K set shipped per year (70/day)

2.2K sterile sets:

Data Storage

13K set shipped per year(60/day)

2.4K non-sterile sets:

16K set shipped per year (70/day)

2.2K sterile sets:

Data Storage

13K set shipped per year(60/day)

2.4K non-sterile sets:

16K set shipped per year (70/day)

2.2K sterile sets:

Data Storage