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Monday October 21
Group 8

Antibiotic resistance

Nora Hatteville, Lilou SIMON


  • what are antibiotics?
  • what does resistant mean ?
  • how this resistance can appear ?
  • Why is it spreading ?
  • And what kind of problem does this create?
  • Conclusion

pneumonia, bronchitis, meningitis,...

a type of medicine for bacterial infection

what are antibiotics?

=> now bacteria = resistance

kill dangerous bacteria or stop their proliferation

  • bacteria become resistant, not human beings
  • bacteria have developed the ability to survive antiobiotics => antiobiotics become ineffective
  • The resistance can be transmitted between bacteria

one bacterium in a hundred million

one bacterium in 100

how this resistance can appear ?

It can be due to :

  • A mutation = rare phenomenon
  • The acquisition of resistant genes by transfer between bacteria

resistant bacteria reproduce and transmit resistance

some bacteria = not affected by the treatment because of their gene

other people use antibiotics to treat a cold or flu = useless

people don't finishing full treatment course

Why is it spreading ?


  • Impact on agriculture and environment
=> transmitted to humans through food chain

35,000 deaths in Europe

5,500 deaths in France

120,000 cases in France

  • alternative treatment = less effective and more expensive
  • global cost = 109.3 million euros for France in 2015
  • ANSM = overuse of antibiotics in France adds €70 to €440 million a year to the budget

And what kind of problem does this create?

Antibiotic resistance is the most serious threats to global health, food security and development today. And it affect anyone at any age on any country

- World Health Organization
Now it's your turn to ask questions!

thank you for your attention

Pasteur's institut : antibiotic resistance


sante.gouv.fr : l'antibioresistance pourquoi est-ce si grave ?

Antibiotic Resistance | Health | Biology | FuseSchool