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Presentation by Romane, Anaelle and Luna


+ info

ThE child poverty rate in Romania is one of the highest in the entire European Union.

Child poverty

General Context and Causes of Child Poverty in Romania

Eastern European country bordering Ukraine and Hungary.- Among the highest rates in the European Union.- A quarter of the population lives below the poverty line.- Nearly a third of Romanian children are affected.Causes of Worsening:- High unemployment.- Disparity between rural and urban areas (investment, education, employment).- Economic downturn since the 2008 crisis.

many children are forced to work to support their families

Child Poverty

Romani Children and Child Labor

- 3.8 million Romani children.- 7% live in absolute poverty.- Parents are often illiterate and poor.Child Labor in Rural Areas:- 1% of Romanian children work.- Precarious jobs (begging, cleaning windshields, making bricks).- Impact on physical and mental development.- Discrimination and marginalization.- Little hope of improving their future situation.

- strict laws against child trafficking- children from precarious backgrounds remain vulnerable to these dangers

- prohibit all forms of physical and psychological violence- is committed to respecting international standards for the protection of minors- child abuse remains frequent...

Right to protection against trafficking and exploitation :

Rights in Romania

Protection against abuse :


- written in the Constitution- shortage of doctors

Right to health :

Rights in Romania

Social protection for children :

- The Child Protection Code guarantees appropriate care for children. - social integration - healthy living environment.


families are a pillar of well-being

-Covid showed all the weaknesses of this system - work on social inequalities between urban and rural areas- Romania remains one of the European Union coutries with the lowest satisfaction rates - Family values remain strong and social ties are important

Well-being :

- mental health issues may be more present but under-diagnosis, stigma and other barriers to accessing mental healthcare services

Mental health :


Acess to free education is garanteed by article 32


Little context :

- school is compulsory at 6 until 16- but school dropout remains high- 15% of Romanian students leave before completing secondary education (10 - 14 years old) --> These disparities highlight a gap between the right to education and reality- resuilts are below the European Union average (22%)- but they seek to improve access to education and reduce school dropouts

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- Romania has established laws to protect children's rights and poverty, -inequalities between rural and urban areas, to education and healthcare - Efforts to improve the situation are underway, but major challenges persist in ensuring a better future for Romanian children

"Efforts to improve the situation are underway"


Name Surnamename

- https://www.unicef.ch/fr/notre-travail/programmes/soutenir-les-enfants-defavorises-en-roumanie#:~:text=Pr%C3%A8s%20de%203.8%20millions%20d%E2%80%99enfants%20Roms%20vivent%20en,qu%E2%80%99ils%20ne%20sachent%20eux-m%C3%AAmes%20ni%20lire%20ni%20%C3%A9crire.- https://www.humanium.org/fr/roumanie/ https://www.humanium.org/fr/roumanie/#:~:text=Droit%20à%20l'éducation,de%20fonds%20à%20l'éducation. - https://www.carefrance.org/pays/aide-humanitaire-roumanie/ - https://www.lemonde.fr/blog/jprosen/category/roumanie/ - https://lentraidemissionnaire.org/la-question-de-la-pauvrete-des-enfants-en-roumanie https://eurydice.eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-education-systems/romania/overview


health and well-being

An awesome presentation:
  • It is clear and structured.
  • Presents information in an organized way.
  • Engages the whole class.
  • Adapts fonts and color to the theme.
  • Includes images and entertains.
  • Represents data and information visually.
  • Uses timelines.
  • Is animated and interactive.
  • Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
  • Does NOT exceed with bullet points 🙃​.