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Red Work,Blue Work


Select the person who you think is doing a job which requires thinking or decision making with choices to be made about what to do?

Some people might say that everyone must be thinking, the key is whether they are actively having to think about how they should approach the task, or whether there is a defined process which people are expected to stick to without deviation.​

Imagine you were looking at a job description for the person doing this work.

Now lets think about the people doing the other work?

We call this Red Work (the doing) and Blue Work (deciding).

Click to see a description

Traditionally organizations have been designed around decision-making

At the top the people who;

  • Decide
  • Discuss
  • Plan
  • Develop
  • Choose

The people below them who;

  • Execute
  • Deliver
  • Produce
  • Stay consistent
  • Follow standards

More about Red Work and Blue Work

Blue Work

Red Work

A Story about Red Work & Blue Work

A Story about Red Work & Blue Work

A Story about Red Work & Blue Work


Over the next week consider the following question in your journal;

  • How does Red Work and Blue Work apply in your team ?
  • What does Blue Work look like in your team? (decision-making, learning and improvement, planning, evaluating)
  • What does Red Work look like in your team (execution, production, delivering service)
  • Who is involved in the Red Work and who is involved in the Blue Work?
  • What do you notice?
  • What would you change?


Over the next week consider the following question in your journal;

  • How does Red Work and Blue Work apply in your team ?
  • What does Blue Work look like in your team? (decision-making, learning and improvement, planning, evaluating)
  • What does Red Work look like in your team (execution, production, delivering service)
  • Who is involved in the Red Work and who is involved in the Blue Work?

  • What do you notice?
  • What would you change?

Our objective is not to imply that Blue Work is superior to Red Work or vice versa. Both types of work are essential and must be executed effectively. The key consideration is determining who is responsible for Blue Work and who is responsible for Red Work.

Blue Work

  • Thinking​
  • Decision Making​
  • Challenge​
  • Embracing Variability​
  • Divergence​
  • Change​

Red Work

  • Doing​
  • Execution of tasks​
  • Compliance​
  • Reduces Variability​
  • Consistency​
  • Repetition​

What is “Red Work”?

Red Work

Red Work is about doing and reducing variability. Red Work focuses on a proving mindset and a performance mindset. In Red Work, you seek to complete a task without needing to decide what or how. Red Work is about being in control and taking charge. For example: Process work effectively and avoid errors. Achieve predictability and maintain controllability.

What is Blue Work?

Blue Work

Bluework consists of the creative, collaborative, and analytical aspects of work. Brainstorming, problem-solving, and designing are all integral to bluework. Designing the processes that factory workers on an assembly line will use, the products they will create, and how those products will be updated is a crucial part of bluework. Variability is an ally to bluework. Embracing variability, independent thinking, and alternative perspectives enhances the effectiveness of bluework.