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Three preks in Silicon Valley


Today we going to discover three perks : - dog sitter - yoga and pilate classes - chair massage


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dog sitter :

Every people like having his dog all the day , in this job we can found the dog sitter . She can keep your dog while you are working . Your dog can be a motivation to work well and your boss will be proud of you


Yoga and Pilate classes :

The yoga and Pilate classes Allows you to relax when you are at work, be its fear are pedant of the pose or even after work. This allows you to ask yourself for better work and to be relaxed

Chair massage :

The chair massage Having this chair at your work, is really an advantage it will allow you to relax while working, you can be relaxed, while being focussed on your work.'

This is three perks that will make your work easier and that will make your bosses proud of you