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Musculoskeletal System - muscle tension - tension-type headaches and migraines - pain in back and upper extremities - muscle atrophy

Gastrointestinal System-- Bloating and gut discomfort - Heartburn- Difficult to swallow food, grassiness, and bloating.- Nausea and vomiting- Decrase in appetite

Respiratory System- Shortness of breath and rapid breathing.- Airway between nose and lungs constricts - hyperventilation - can exacerbate breathing problems

Female Reproductive System- Irregular menstrual cycles - more painful periods- can negatively affect fetal and ongoing child development.- anxiety, mood swings

Nervous System- faster heart beat- blood vessels dilate- sugar levels in bloodstream increase- promotes bronchoconstruction, exaggerated vasodilation, and compromised blood circulation.

Cardiovascular System- blood vessels directing blood to large muscles and heart dilate.- elevated blood pressure- risk for hypertention, heart attack, or stroke.- inflammation of circulatory system.