Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Roll the dice




Game of



Move forward 2 spaces


Go Back 3 Spaces..


Advance to the next Road Block


Advance to the next Road Block


Go Back 2 Spaces


Move forward 2 spaces

1 Space

  • Completed chores
  • Hang with a friend
  • Attend a club/sport
  • Go to Work
  • Do something kind
2 Spaces
  • Joined a Team or Club
  • Attend a school event on a weekend: a dance, a game, a play, etc…
3 Spaces
  • Get your license/permit
  • Get a job
  • Go to a prom/homecoming

1 Social Road block are blue Academic Road Blocks are RedPhysical Road Blocks are Green

1. Take a walk or bike ride for 1 mile 2. Clean your room (before & after pic required) - 2 spaces3. stretch for 15 minutes4. Go to the fitness center (Gym)5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to being more physical6. 10 pushups, 10 situps, & 10 jumping jacks

Role the dice to see what road block to complete

Physical Road Block

1. Make Plans with a Friend for the Weekend 2. Research a part-time job3. Write a thank you letter to a former teacher or coach. Or to a reletive4. Host the Game of Coast5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to social skills6. Participaite in a class discussion

Roll the dice to see what you land on

Social Road Block


Your content is appreciated, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photo or illustration.

1. Advance forward 2 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)2. Advance to the next road block3. Go back 3 spaces (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)4. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)5. Go back 2 space (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)6. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)

Roll the Di to take your chance


Your content is likable, but it only engages if it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photo or illustration.

1. Advance forward 2 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)2. Advance to the next road block3. Go back 3 spaces (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)4. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)5. Go back 2 space (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)6. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)

Roll the Di to take your chance

1. Make Plans with a Friend for the Weekend 2. Research a part-time job3. Write a thank you letter to a former teacher or coach. Or to a reletive4. Host the Game of Coast5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to social skills6. Participaite in a class discussion

Roll the dice to see what you land on

Social Road Block

1. Advance forward 2 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)2. Advance to the next road block3. Go back 3 spaces (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)4. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)5. Go back 2 space (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)6. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)

Roll the Di to take your chance

1. Advance forward 2 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)2. Advance to the next road block3. Go back 3 spaces (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)4. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)5. Go back 2 space (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)6. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)

Roll the Di to take your chance

1. Advance forward 2 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)2. Advance to the next road block3. Go back 3 spaces (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)4. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)5. Go back 2 space (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)6. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)

Roll the Di to take your chance

1. Take a walk or bike ride for 1 mile 2. Clean your room (before & after pic required) - 2 spaces3. stretch for 15 minutes4. Go to the fitness center (Gym)5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to being more physical6. 10 pushups, 10 situps, & 10 jumping jacks

Role the dice to see what road block to complete

Physical Road Block


Your content is liked, but only engages if it is interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.


Your content is liked, but it only engages when it's interactive. Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.

1. Take a walk or bike ride for 1 mile 2. Clean your room (before & after pic required) - 2 spaces3. stretch for 15 minutes4. Go to the fitness center (Gym)5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to being more physical6. 10 pushups, 10 situps, & 10 jumping jacks

Role the dice to see what road block to complete

Physical Road Block

1. Make Plans with a Friend for the Weekend 2. Research a part-time job3. Write a thank you letter to a former teacher or coach. Or to a relative4. Host the Game of Coast5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to social skills6. Participaite in a class discussion

Roll the dice to see what you land on

Social Road Block

1. Advance forward 2 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)2. Advance to the next road block3. Go back 3 spaces (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)4. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)5. Go back 2 space (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)6. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)

Roll the Di to take your chance

1. Research a career (salary, education needed) 2. Research a college (GPA requirement, cost per year, %age of accepted students)3. See a teacher for extra help in a class you're struggling in.4. See a teacher for extra help in a class you're struggling in.5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to academics6. Complete a grade reflection form (found in your google classroom)

Roll the dice to see which road block to complete

Academic Road Block

1. Take a walk or bike ride for 1 mile 2. Clean your room (before & after pic required) - 2 spaces3. stretch for 15 minutes4. Go to the fitness center (Gym)5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to being more physical6. 10 pushups, 10 situps, & 10 jumping jacks

Role the dice to see what road block to complete

Physical Road Block


Your content is liked, but only engages if it's interactive.Capture your audience's attention with an interactive photograph or illustration.

1. Advance forward 2 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)2. Advance to the next road block3. Go back 3 spaces (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)4. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)5. Go back 2 space (if you go back to a road block, you do NOT need to recomplete the road block)6. Advance 3 spaces (advance past any road block, unless landed on)

Roll the Di to take your chance

1. Research a career (salary, education needed) 2. Research a college (GPA requiremtn, cost per year, %age of accepted students)3. See a teacher for extra help in a call you're struggling in.4. See a teacher for extra help in a call you're struggling in.5. Re-roll6. Complete a grade reflection form (found in your google classroom)

Roll the Di to see which road block to complete

Academic Road Block


Your content is liked, but only engages if it is interactive. Capture the attention of your audience with an interactive photograph or illustration.

1. Research a career (salary, education needed) 2. Research a college (GPA requirement, cost per year, %age of accepted students)3. See a teacher for extra help in a class you're struggling in.4. See a teacher for extra help in a class you're struggling in.5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to academics6. Complete a grade reflection form (found in your google classroom)

Roll the dice to see which road block to complete

Academic Road Block

1. Research a career (salary, education needed) 2. Research a college (GPA requirement, cost per year, %age of accepted students)3. See a teacher for extra help in a class you're struggling in.4. See a teacher for extra help in a class you're struggling in.5. Write a S.MA.R.T. Goal with regards to academics6. Complete a grade reflection form (found in your google classroom)

Roll the dice to see which road block to complete

Academic Road Block