Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Free Research!


Free Research Time


Ideas for Research

How things work




famous people


Guidelines for Free Research

  1. Complete Free Research ONLY when all other work in Reading or Writing has been finished.
  2. Choose 4th grade school appropriate topics to research.
  3. Use ONLY the tools I have provided you with. You will find links on the next slide.
  4. Have a goal in place before you start your research. Use your writing journal.
    1. Make a list of guiding questions you want answered.
    2. Determine which databases will be best to start with.
    3. Think about what you want to do for your end product. I will add some ideas to this presentation.

Accessing and Searching Catalogs & Databases

OGES Media Catalog

Most Helpful OGES Subscription Databases

Need the login info? Click here.

Access the OGES Media Webpage.


At this time, you may use ONLY the databases that you can access through the OGES Media Webpage.

What can you DO with your research?

Ideas for Product





give a speech




Google Slides

Free Research is NOT research that doesn't cost any money. It doesn't cost any money, but this kind of Free Research has to do with YOU getting to pick the topics you want to research!

If you access these databases on a school device, then you will not need to enter a username or password. If you access these databases at home, you may need to use this list of usernames and passwords.

Database Logins

If you access these databases on a school device, then you will not need to enter a username or password. If you access these databases at home, you may need to use this list of usernames and passwords.

Database Logins

Please make sure you are picking school appropriate topics to research. If you aren't sure what is school appropriate, find a time to talk to me about your topic.