Teacher Tips
Reported SpeechPresent into Past
gangster, memorial, distribution, designer
Learning Objectives
Around the World
Level 8 Unit 12 Lesson 2
What things do you do when you travel?
The best views in Chicago are at Navy Peer.
Very Punny
How many people can this airplane carry at the same time?
told meinformed melet me know
Mom said she had been thinking about buying a new car, too.
I was thinking about buying a new car, too.
Mary told me that she had bought a car so she could go to work faster.
I bought a car so I could go to work faster.
Reported Speech
Mary said she was at the bank yesterday.
Mary said that she had been at the bank yesterday.
I was at the bank yesterday.
Reported Speech
I was thinking about looking for a new job.
I was walking to the store when I saw a rabbit.
I didn't eat lunch today because I was too busy.
I missed the train yesterday because I overslept.
Reported Speech
I asked for directions.
They Said
I was looking
What are some things you can see when you go on a trip?
and started burning the barn.
and have them delivered in the mail.
but they are just mistaken.”
So many things happened in Chicago!”
A Trip to Chicago
“The next day we really had fun. Chicago is famous for its architecture, and some of the buildings are really, really cool. We went to the Navy Pier and got on this little boat that took us through the river to look at the buildings. There was a guide telling us the history of the whole city. “Like what? I only know what I heard from the television. There are lots of movies that tell about the history Chicago had with the mob.” “Yeah, we went on a gangster tour that told us about the crimes that had been committed, but it wasn’t even the most interesting thing we did.”
“Chicago had a great fire in 1871 that burned almost the whole town. The people had to run to find refuge in the river. I think over 300 people died in the fire.” “Your brother told me about the Chicago Fire. He said that you had walked all along the river to see the memorial of the people that died.” “They say that a cow had tipped over a lamp Then all the houses were made of wood, so they caught on fire really easily. Now all the houses in Chicago are made of brick. They have a very distinctive style.”
and started burning the barn.
and have them delivered in the mail.
but they are just mistaken.”
So many things happened in Chicago!”
“We also saw the big Sears and Roebuck building and the Merchandise Mart on the architectural tour. Chicago used to be the hub of manufacturing and distribution for the whole western part of the US. People who lived out there had to order all of their goodsThe guide said that Sears had been the first company to offer this service and had revolutionized shopping. They used to have this huge catalog that people used to order absolutely everything they needed.”
and started burning the barn.
and have them delivered in the mail.
but they are just mistaken.”
So many things happened in Chicago!”
“Wow! Imagine if we still delivered things using horse and carriages. I think some online platforms would get a lot of complaints.” “That’s true. So, back to Chicago. After the architectural tour, we walked on the Miracle Mile and saw all of the expensive, designer shops and the John Hancock Tower. A lot of people think that it’s the tallest building in the city, “Yeah, your brother told me that you had seen a lot of confused people. What is actually the tallest building, then?” “It’s the Sears - I mean it’s the Willis Tower. It used to be called the Sears Tower, but it was recently bought and changed names. We went there the next day.”
and started burning the barn.
and have them delivered in the mail.
but they are just mistaken.”
So many things happened in Chicago!”
Miracle Mile
Merchandise Mart
river walk
Navy Pier
Imagine that you are the narrator and you are telling your mother what Jerry did on his trip.
structure made to remember an event
delivery of goods
high-end brand
person involved in a criminal gang
Would you rather...
fight with a security guard or a gangster?
There was a built on the edge of the river to honour everyone that died in the great fire. The city used to be full of who controlled everything. Chicago was a major centre of of goods to people who lived in the west. Most big cities have a lot of stores, where you can buy the latest fashions.
Fill in the Blanks
Maybe . . .
I wonder
Listen to the podcast:6:38 - 8:40 What can you find on the harbor nowaday?
What are different reasons we have piers?
Exit Interview
Thank You!