Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Teacher Tips
escorted, strewn, exhaled, prescriptions sifted, prime, interjected, consequences capable, respect, stubborn, resilient bear, ample, collapsed, burden swiveled, on-call, floundered, temporary idle, sympathy, sheepishly, solace







Aging Affairs

Level 8 Unit 10 Lesson 8
How do you see yourself as a senior citizen?


Are there any jokes or sayings in your native language about getting old?
Youth is wasted on the young.


What can people see in the theatre?



one of the best
easier to catch
than hers
quite a bit more
small but

Adjective Review

than its
dangerous, but
the best thing
Hugging is
slightly more

Adjective Review



What are things we want as we get older?


Georgina had quite a bit of success with Orson. She performed her duties quickly and efficiently and left Orson with healthy food, a clean house and folded laundry. Her ample experience meant that she didn’t put up with anything from Orson and was more than willing to leave the grumpy man alone. For an extra fee, she was willing to drive him to his appointments, so Carmen and her mother were able to enjoy their visits to Orson’s house.
They were coming home from a visit a few weeks later, when Deborah’s phone rang. She answered, “Hello Dr. Beagrie,” and then listened in silence for a long time. Her face went white and she grasped her daughter’s arm. “We’ll be right there,” she said finally and hung up. “What happened,” Carmen asked, trying not to panic. “Maude is in the hospital,” her mother answered. “She fell and hit her head.” Deborah Joy gasped and grabbed the keys from her mother. “I’ll drive,” she shouted and raced back out to the car.

Stubborn Seniors

Deborah exclaimed, “I can’t believe it! A heart attack? She’s so healthy. She does exercise all the time.” “And it’s a good thing she has so many activities. Her friend’s found her almost immediately after it happened, when they came to pick her up.” A nurse led the family to the waiting room, where they had to stay until more tests were finished. About an hour later, Doctor Beagrie released Maude and they brought her back to their house to recover.
After almost another anxious hour, Doctor Beagrie appeared in the waiting room and ushered them forward. “She’s stable now but she’s suffered a lot of damage.” “What happened?” Deborah Joy asked. “You said she hit her head.” “Yes,” Doctor Beagrie continued. “She had a mild heart attack and collapsed on the floor. She has a broken leg and a cut on her head, but she hasn’t suffered any brain damage.
After only a few weeks though, Maude started to worry that she was becoming a burden. “I don’t want someone to have to be here every day to take care of me,” she told her son.
Deborah Joy loved having Gramma at her house. There was a constant stream of visitors who always brought casseroles or cupcakes to eat. Maude was always willing to play cards or house activity, and as soon as she could get out of bed, she wheeled herself around the house like an expert and played beautiful music on the piano every day.
right home. Besides, I’ve got friends coming over every day. They’ll take care of me, just like before. It’s Orson you’ve got to worry about on that front. In no time at all, I will be out of your house and out of your hair.”
“Relax Maude, no one thinks you’re a burden. We love having you here." Deborah spoke to her husband's mother calmly. "Besides, if you’re here, we’ll know immediately if you’ve had another fall. I couldn’t bear it if you went back home on your own and something happened.” “You don’t have to worry about me. Doctor Beagrie says I am just fine. As soon as my leg has healed, I can head
On Maude’s last day, the family decided to have a party. Carmen ordered a big pizza while her mother went to pick up Orson. Maude helped set the table and fill the water glasses. She played some music over the speakers and danced a little across the kitchen. Everyone pulled into the driveway at the same time. Carmen ran out to pay for the pizza, and then helped carry Orson’s oxygen tank into the house. Orson was still sitting out in her car, pouting with his arms crossed. Deborah came out and talked with him for a few moments, and then finally convinced him to come inside and eat some pizza.
As soon as everyone was seated, Maude announced, “I’ve decided to sell my house.” Deborah Joy froze and Carmen dropped the fork she was holding. All heads swiveled to face her. “I’ve decided that you’re right. I shouldn’t be living over there alone” She pulled out a flyer, one of the papers Doctor Beagrie had given Carmen a few months ago.
“Well, Maude, you’re going to be positively exhausted,” Deborah Joy exclaimed with a huge smile. “Are you sure?” Brandon asked, “This is a big step.” “I’ve been thinking about it all week. I’m more than sure; I am actually really excited. It’s a change that makes sense for me. I’ll still be completely independent, but also have anything I might need.”
Maude opened the flyer and pointed to the information about the assisted living house. “It’s only a few blocks away. They’ve got a doctor on-call around the clock in case of emergencies, but otherwise it’s just like living in my own house. It will be a little smaller, but I will still have my own kitchen. And if I don’t want to cook, I can always order from their cafeteria.” Maude was positively beaming while she talked about the assisted living facility. “And,” she gushed, “They have all sorts of activities. There is a music club, a cards club, knitting club, and once a month there is a dance with live music.”
“I don’t want to be here.” “But, you have to think about the things you need. Maybe a change wouldn’t be a bad idea. Maybe you could -” He floundered for a bit, trying to think of an idea that might appease Orson. “Why don’t you think about it for a while?”
Everyone was smiling except Orson. He pushed his plate away from him angrily and crossed his arms. “Oh, I see what you’re doing. Get me in here for dinner and try to convince me that this assisted living place is where I should go, too.” He took a long drink of water and then slammed his water glass on to the table and tried to stand up angrily. Carmen tried to reason with her grandfather, "It could be really nice to be neighbors with Grammy. Brandon saw Orson react and spoke quickly “Orson, no one is trying to get you to do anything you don’t want to do, but -”
Everyone looked at each other around the table. Orson didn't look unconvinced, but thoughtful. Finally he frowned and shrugged, “I’ll think about it. But I still want to keep Georgina.” Behind her water glass, Deborah Joy smiled.
“I know!” Maude exclaimed. “You can stay in my house until I sell it. It’s right down the road, from here so if you need anything, someone could be there in a minute.” “And I could bring you dinner,” Deborah Joy said. “Or you could walk up here for dinner, if you wanted to.” “And it would be much easier to take you to appointments, since you are so close,” Carmen added. “It could just be temporary, see how you like living closer to us, but still by yourself,” Brandon finished.
Do you have an excellent relationship with anyone in your life?
What kind of relationship does Maude have with Carmen and Deborah?


Does this story make you think of any other story you have read?


Have you heard any stories or news that are related to the themes in this story?



Would you rather...

or be a huge burden on your family?
be idle all the time




Use the dice!

Drag the game pieces



Example 3

Give Opinions

Example 2
Example 1
Restate the opinion
Reason 3
Reason 2
Reason 1
Present your letter!Was it difficult to write this letter?


Do you think we must respect someone's wishes, even if it puts them in harm?

Exit Interview


Unit 10 has been completed!