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Teacher Tips
Problems and Solutions
Phrasal Verbs
habits, consolidated, outdated, fabric, identify, accessories, landfills, potential. cooperative, barter, freecycle, artisanal, transaction, logged in, fee, reputable,disbelief, lobby, fraud, resolvedsaved, verify, browsing, knickknack







Shopper Beware!

Level 8 Unit 7 Lesson 7
How do you think shopping could be improved?


What freebie would make people line up for blocks?

Very Punny

What is the purpose, audience and tone of this selection?



rule outtake outkeep outthrow outlook out
break throughcut throughfall throughfollow throughget through
talk overtake overhand overrun overstop over

Phrasal Verbs

stop over
Hand over
run over
take over
talk over
those keys right now! You are not allowed to drive.Can't we it first? This punishment is not fair.I told you that if you didn't stop driving recklessly, I was going to and not let you drive.If you don't let me drive, I am going to you !

Fill in the Blanks

take off
show off
pulled off
went off
made off

Fill in the Blanks

Marty thought he had the biggest robbery of the year. He entered the palace at dawn and with all of the crown jewels. It's too bad that he loved to so much: as soon as the policeman saw him on TikTok, he was arrested. The king was furious and really on Marty. I had never seen Marty looking so scared.
wipe down
cool down
put down
putting down
fell down
I can't believe that so many people are her just because she in gym class!Yeah, I told Stan to his phone and stop recording her and he got angry and blew up at me.Stan totally needs to learn how to .

Fill in the Blanks


What options exist for different people to do shopping?


Episode 9: Shopping
Dave: Today we’re here with three local residents to talk about their shopping habits and how they think their shopping habits affect the world. First up, we have Samantha from Oak Creek. Now Samantha, you’ve noted that nowadays you only buy things online? Samantha: That’s correct Dave. I no longer ever go into a physical store. Stan: Why did you decide to make that decision?

Day to Day with Dave

Samantha: Well, Dave. I don’t live close to any of the shopping centers and our main street only has one hardware store and a shoe store. So, if I need toiletries or food or clothing, I have to get in my car and drive all the way across town. It’s really an inconvenience for me. Margo: Don’t you worry about the environmental impact of having all of those delivery trucks come to your house? Samantha: That’s just the thing. I use a Super Shopper Service that consolidates all of my orders into one delivery. Plus, the Super Shopper Service only uses electric trucks for the deliveries. I would probably drive further if I went to each individual store than the one truck drives to get to my house.
Episode 9: Shopping

Day to Day with Dave

Margo: What about the packaging? Don’t online purchases come with a lot of unnecessary plastic wrapping? Samantha: That’s an outdated belief. Online shopping used to have huge problems with too much packaging. But, these days companies take measures to make sure their products don’t come with extra packaging. My food items are delivered in reusable bags and shampoo and other toiletries are delivered in a basket. Then if I need to return something, i just put it back in the basket and it gets picked up.Margo: I didn’t know that. That’s fantastic!
Episode 9: Shopping

Day to Day with Dave

Keith: How do you make sure the clothes are going to fit? And what about the fabric? I like to try my items on before I buy them and make sure they aren’t too scratchy or rough. Samantha: Well, these days it is easy as pie to return things bought online. Most places have free shipping, so it doesn’t even cost extra. I try my clothes on at home, which is great because I can make sure I have other clothes I can mix and match with them. Dave: It sure sounds like you have it all figured out.
Episode 9: Shopping

Day to Day with Dave

Dave: Let’s hear now from Keith, from City Center. Keith, you identify yourself as a shopaholic. How long have you been an avid shopper? Keith: Well Dave, I started shopping when I was about 10, and I never gave it up. I live right in the center of the city, so it is more convenient for me to go to the stores.Dave: How often do you go to the stores? Keith: I go to buy groceries and food about every other day. I really prefer to always get fresh bread and I don’t eat a lot of frozen, premade food.
Episode 9: Shopping

Day to Day with Dave

Dave: What about the fun shopping? Keith: Yeah, I go shopping for clothes and accessories, I love buying watches, a lot. I probably go into the department store once a week and if I see something in the window on my way home, I’ll jump in and try it on.Dave: Well, trying things on is fun, but how often do you actually buy things? Keith: I hate to admit that I probably buy a lot more than I should. Margo: Do you buy quality pieces of clothing, or are you contributing to the problem with fast-fashion? Keith: What do you mean?
Episode 9: Shopping

Day to Day with Dave

What do you know about the characters?
What do you have in common with each character?




not current
put together
repeated actions
cloth used to make clothing
log in


enter your info to gain access to your account
with a good reputation
act of buying and selling
money charged for a service


deception used to steal money
room at the entrance of a building
not believing
solved, finished

Tic Tac Toe

log in


What problems could people have while shopping

Problems and Solutions

What are possible solutions?
Present the first draft of your email. Listen to the feedback from your teacher and prepare a final draft for next class.


Exit Interview

Why is shopping so important to our society?

Thank You!