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Teacher Tips
Pros and Cons
Third Conditionals
alarming, concentrate, dignity, thrive

Learning Objectives






People, People Everywhere!

Level 8 Unit 6 Lesson 5
Have you ever not been able to find something you needed?


a hard bag
a legal action
not find

Very Punny

What does the speaker think will happen in the cities?



I wouldn't be in trouble.
*modal have
If I hadn't yelled at my mom,
If I had taken the train,
If I had studied harder, I would have got an A.
If I hadn't eaten that pizza, I would have won the race.
I would have been on time.

3rd Conditionals

Look at the image


If only


  • if the car hadn't stopped, it would have hit the man.


What are some problems that could be caused by mass immigration?


the citizens of our country will be the ones left without work and unable to survive.
we should concentrate on changing the governments in those places.
richer countries should be focused on ways to go in and improve the countries where the immigrants come from.
we will soon be faced with the destruction of our own country.
I want to say that I disagree completely with the previous opinion about immigration. If we continue to allow immigrants into our country at this alarming rate, We do not have the resources to provide healthcare, jobs and education both to our own citizens and to immigrants.
I agree that no one should have to live in a war-torn country or face the fears of being persecuted or punished by their government. However, the answer isn’t just to allow all the people to leave those places. If we really want to make a change, We should work on removing dictators and authoritative regimes.
the citizens of our country will be the ones left without work and unable to survive.
we should concentrate on changing the governments in those places.
richer countries should be focused on ways to go in and improve the countries where the immigrants come from.
we will soon be faced with the destruction of our own country.
I also believe that every person on earth should have the opportunity to find a job that allows them to work with dignity and make a living wage. However, we already face a shortage of jobs and a very high level of unemployment in our country. If more immigrants who are willing to work for less money come in,
the citizens of our country will be the ones left without work and unable to survive.
we should concentrate on changing the governments in those places.
richer countries should be focused on ways to go in and improve the countries where the immigrants come from.
we will soon be faced with the destruction of our own country.
In short, I believe that rather than allow immigrants free access into our country, The government could work on ending the wars, eliminating inequality and creating jobs in the other country, so that those citizens don’t have to come here to thrive.
the citizens of our country will be the ones left without work and unable to survive.
we should concentrate on changing the governments in those places.
richer countries should be focused on ways to go in and improve the countries where the immigrants come from.
we will soon be faced with the destruction of our own country.
Are there any facts in this essay?

Facts and Opinions

What claims does this author make?







Everyone should be
The amount of
Everyone deserves to be respected.
You need to
I need you to think about this information really hard.
This flower should
I believe this flower will grow and prosper in this soil.
Every moment there is more of this dangerous smoke in the room.



Pros and Cons


Think of a statistic you could represent in a graph
You are going to make a graph!


Exit Interview

What good does it do to think about what could have been?

Thank You!