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Teacher Tips
Compare and Contrast
climate, tidal, connect, harbors dams, vegetation, wetlands, decaying freight, source, outlets, erode scavenge, sick, invaders, punishing burning, lush, surrounded, buried incline, battered, rejuvenated, clutched







Level 8 Unit 2 Lesson 7

Over the River

Do you like going to the waterpark?


Sending you a wave. Fish you were here!

Very Punny

What is the purpose of this passage?



  1. What is above your head right now?
  2. What is on your head?
  3. What could jump over your head?
  4. What is under your feet?
  5. Do any neighbors live below you?


  1. Would you like to live amongst the ants?
  2. Is there anything leaning against your wall?
  3. Do you always color within the lines?
  4. What do you like to put between two slices of bread?


  1. My rival stood me and cracked his knuckles.
  2. The cow needs to stay the fence.
  3. I haven't gone of my house since Tuesday.
  4. While we were the ship, there was a terrible storm.


What is above the boat?

Above and Below

What is below the cliff?


What can we do to protect our water?


Our earth is made up of different geological features. These features sometimes determine the climate, and thus the lifestyle and agriculture of an area due to the typical weather. To begin, we will discuss features that are created with salt water. There are two main types; standing water and running water. Both types are incredibly important for life on earth.

Geological Features

The largest body of standing water is an ocean. The ocean is made up of saltwater and is found on 71 percent of the earth’s surface. The ocean has a tidal rhythm that is controlled by the moon. At times oceans can have enormous, powerful waves and other times, the water rolls gently onto and off of the shore. An ocean is similar to a sea, but a sea is smaller and is often found where an ocean meets land.
In areas where salt water and land meet, there are many other geographical features. A bay occurs when the water is contained by the land on 3 sides and creates a semi-circle of water. This water is often calm and a great place to go swimming. You can find a strai where water has to pass between two pieces of land and connects the bodies of water on either side.
A gulf is a deep inlet of the sea, meaning that the water is surrounded by land, with a very narrow mouth to connect it to the larger sea. Gulfs are generally bigger than bays and have a much smaller opening. Gulfs are often used for shipping and may contain harbours for trade boats to dock. Global shipping has caused an increase in our need for harbors around the world.
There are also numerous bodies of water that are made of fresh water. These bodies are usually located on land and can also have numerous sizes and names. A lake is the biggest body of freshwater. Simply put, a lake is water that is surrounded by land. People often create lakes in their cities because people enjoy being able to boat, fish and swim in the water. Natural lakes were formed by glaciers that moved across the land and dug out large pits that later filled with water.
Reservoirs are similar to lakes, but are formed when dams are used to stop the flow of water from a river. This water is then cleaned and used for a city’s water supply. The use of reservoirs has increased in the past years, because there have been many droughts, which cause water shortages. This means that people must find a way to store water and ensure there is still water when it is dry. Reservoirs often have mechanical dams which can control the level of water to be saved or used.
What is the tone of this text?
Who is the intended audience for this text?
What is the purpose of this text?
Text Box A for paragraph.


Second idea with detail
Third idea with detail
First idea with detail
Main Idea





Drag the game pieces


Use the dice!



Compare and Contrast

Present the first draft of your story


Why is knowing the purpose of a passage important?

Exit Interview


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