Human Body Presentation
Natalia Vamvakitis
Created on October 16, 2024
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Natalia Vamvakitis
I wonder about the ways in which we communicate beyond words with one another - what modes and presentations of communication have been determined socially acceptable’;which haven’t and how/why have they been silenced? (e.g. non-western/indigenous languages, neurodivergent behaviors etc.)
The inital Exploration
What role does embodiment play in the generation of language?
How do we develop body language?
Conditioning and"Impression Management"
Cultural and social
Is there a whole truth to expression? Will we ever be able to fully reach our deepest intention and express it outwards?
How gestures make me feel more connected to my heritage How gestures make me relate to other people that are not in my communities How gestures become language that I develop with my friends How gestures are a part of my queer identity
How have we been taught to hide our deepest intuitions?
How to we get more comfortable to fully express ourselves in public - would this allow for better understanding of each others needs and overall a more transparent future?
Erin Manning
The minor gesture is a subversive concept that refers to the fringes of perception and thought before its parsing into cultural intelligibility.It requires rethinking common assumptions about human agency and political action. To embrace the minor gesture's power to fashion relations, its capacity to open new modes of experience and manners of expression, is to challenge the ways in which the neurotypical image of the human devalues alternative ways of being moved by and moving through the world
How can we voice the unsayable, unsettle the categorical, reach for that which lies beyond conceptualization?
The Minor Gesture
Butler examines the role of “gesture” in relation to language and performance by focusing on Walter Benjamin’s reading of epic theater in Brecht.
Judith Butler
Performance therefore involves a form of alienation, and gesture—where language and performance intersect—can potentially become an allegory of the decomposition of the speech act.
Echoing her well-known arguments that “performance” must replace “essence” as a way to understand the development of gendered identities,
A consideration of gender performativity in order to think about the relationship between linguistic and performance studies, locating the body as the interface for both the speech act and embodied performance.
When Gesture Becomes Event
A visual and performance artist who uses his body to explore identity, embodiment, and political resistance, Satt engages with history through a conceptual artistic perspective. He conceptualizes one’s anatomy as the most faithful representation of self knowledge - and his hand gestures particularly stand out as an exemplification of nonverbal bodily communication. Bodies can interact and be interpreted, and each body is defined by one’s own exclusive ownership over it.Satt’s works draw from the social-political turbulences of Myanmar and wrestle with oppression and censorship with commentary on the recent upheavals in Myanmar,
“The Breathing Show,” moving from the smallest possible articulations of the neck through limber shoulder and hip rotations, taut balances in extension and finally gestural statementsThis solo is later deconstructed into 5 seperate phrases and danced while Jones minutely describes what he’s doing--and then performed again with Jones intuitively verbalizing all the thoughts, images and fantasies entering his mind." You build a foundation with questions—How do I express the conflicted feelings I have right now? How do I find the language?"
Bill T. Jones
A performance that incorporates text, movement, and audience-interaction to explore relationships to others and the self - the internal world along side the social conditioning Through radical love and exploring generational traumas with shared experience, decolonizing our inherently political bodies through this archival processPotentially using a visual element such as paint to embody the effects of emotions/feelings on the body
A practitcal exploration of body lanagauge which I will log and develop into a language for my own.- understanding breath and beats, noting anxietites or discomforts and allowing myself to move. - exploring with the ways my body naturally wishes to flow, incorporating this into my gestures- observing how other people speak their body lanaguge and interviewing based on experiences
The Project
The Performance
The Research
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