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By: Avery McGrath

All about desegregating

Virtual Museum

The newspaper after this court case happened, discussing the end of school segregation.
This is the gavel used in the court case of Brown v. Board of Education
This coin represents the 4 Brown v. Board of Education members.
Mr. Brown asked the school to desegregate so him and his daughter didn't have to walk so far to school. The court case took place in Topeka, Kansas on May 17, 1954. It later led to banning segregation in schools. This is important because even though it took a while to happen, it still came through and worked

Room 1: Brown v. Board of Education

This is a photo of Martin Luther King giving his speech and I think it's interesting because I dont usually see photos from that time.
This is the newspaper about MLK's moving speech and how much impact it had on society
This is the Museum about Martin Luther King and it has a beautiful mural of MLK giving his speech.

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King gave a speech about desegregation in front of thougsands of people. This moving speech led to people realizing how cruel racism was and how they should stop. "I have A Dream" led to changing the country in a good way and convinced many buisnesses to desegregate.

Room 2: March on Washington and "I have A Dream"

This artifact is a photo of Rosa Parks mugshot and I think that she prpbably felt good about herself at the time because she stood up for herself.
This photo shows everybody getting onto the bus and shows what the buses used to look like and how it looked when everybody got on.
This photo shows Rosa Parks getting her fingerprints for being arrested and it just shows that sitting where your not allowed can get you arrested.

In the town of Mountgomery, Alabama, On December 1st, 1955, Rosa Parks got arrested for sitting in the ehiltes only section on the bus. A few days later on Decmber 5th, 1955, Rosa's Friends bailed her out of jail and decided to start a Mountgomery bus boycott to not ride the buses. After the bus company realized what they were doing they decided to desegregate buses. This is a very important event because it let blacks and whites sit together on buses.

Room 3: Rosa Parks and the Mountgomery bus boycott