Tiago Costa
Created on October 16, 2024
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Minerais essencias !!!
Quantos minerais esenciais existem ?Quais são eles ?~Quantos há ?
Minerais essencias !!!
Quantos minerais esenciais existem ?Quais são eles ?~Quantos há ?
Minerais esenciais nas plantas !!!
- Nitrogénio ( N )
- Potássio ( K )
- Cálcio ( Ca )
- Magnésio ( Mg )
- Fósforo ( p )
- Enxofre ( s )
o crescimento das plantas
- O crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas depende de 3 fatores
- a presensa de determinados sais minerais é fundamental para o desempenho das principais funções celulares. É benéfico para o desemvolvimento da planta adicionar, periodicamemte, nutrientes à terra onde as plantas crescem
- It is responsible for maintaining the shape and size of the cell, as well as storing substances.
- They are very large vesicles that can occupy 90% of the cell volume, displacing all organelles to the other side of the cell.
- It is surrounded by a vacuolar membrane.
Vacuole: This organelle is made up of water and sugar among other components which are needed for the plant's defenses.
- They are the organelles responsible for the production of energy in the cell. They produce chlorophyll, which is responsible for absorbing light for photosynthesis.
Chloroplasts: Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, are organelles surrounded by a double membrane. The internal membrane has branches that extend toward the interior (lamellae), where they form sacks (thylakoids) which group together to form granas.
golgi apparatus
- Responsible for the synthesis and secretion of complex polysaccharides and has a very important role in the formation of the cellular wall.
Golgi Apparatus: This consists of sacks and vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum. Here, the substances produced in the endoplasmic reticulum are modified and vesicles are generated that will form part of other cellular organelles or be expelled.
- Responsible for obtaining the energy needed by the cell through cellular respiration.
- They are large organelles, wrapped by a double membrane: one inner and one outer. The inner membrane has a folded structure called cristae and the outer membrane is smooth.
Mitochondria: It is in this organelle where breathing occurs and energy is obtained from the metabolism of sugars. It uses oxygen to oxidize the organic matter that reaches it, and energy and carbon dioxide (CO2) are released.
- They contain digestive enzymes with which they perform cellular digestion.
Lysosomes: They are organelles formed by the Golgi apparatus.
- A rigid structure which protects the cells and gives them their shape.
cellular wall
- It is the rigid outer cover that is mainly made up of cellulose.
- It is located on the outside of the plasma membrane.
Cellular wall: The cell or plant wall is the structure through which the different cells of plant tissues are connected.
Existem centenas de minerais contudo apenas 1 minerais são considerados essenciais:
- o cálcio
- o fósforo
- o potásio
- o enxofre
- o sódio
- o cloro
- o magnésio
- o ferro
- o zinco
- o selénio
- o manganésio
- o cobre
- o iodo
- o molibdénio
- o cobaldo
- o crómico
- o flúor
- o vanádio
- o níquel
- o estranho
- o silício
Para que serve o nitrogénio na planas ?O nitrogênio é o principal macronutriente para as plantas, pois é o responsável pelo seu crescimento e pela produção de novos tecidos e novas células
Existem centenas de minerais contudo apenas 1 minerais são considerados essenciais:
- o cálcio
- o fósforo
- o potásio
- o enxofre
- o sódio
- o cloro
- o magnésio
- o ferro
- o zinco
- o selénio
- o manganésio
- o cobre
- o iodo
- o molibdénio
- o cobaldo
- o crómico
- o flúor
- o vanádio
- o níquel
- o estranho
- o silício