Want to make creations as awesome as this one?








Response Form


Full Image




  • What do you notice about the image as your look from right to left?
  • What feeling does the artist want you to feel about the right side compared to the left?

Guiding Questions


  • Study the image, moving in a clockwise circle. What do you see?
  • What elements of society, technology, or economics do you see present? What are they represented by?

Guiding Questions


  • Where is this figure located on the canvas?
  • What direction is she looking? Why?
  • What does this image say about how Americans viewed themselves and their actions?

Guiding Questions


  • How does society look different in this corner of the portrait compared the top Right corner?
  • What does this say about America's economic goals and society at this time?

Guiding Questions


  • How is the image changing as we contine to move to the left side of the canvas?
  • What elements of society, politics, and economics do we see in this image?

Guiding Questions


  • Who do we see in this portion of the image? What are they doing?
  • How does this section of the painting make you feel?
  • Do you think our perception of this side of the image is similar or different to when this painting was created in the 1870s?

Guiding Questions

Station 1

Station 2


Station 3

Station 4

Station 5

Station 6


  • Each station has an assigned number, box of markers, and folded poster paper.
  • Travel to each station and analyze the painting using the corresponding Guiding Questions and WDYS's.
  • Take notes on your Google Form!
  • Discuss with your group members what you see in your station's section of the painting.
  • When directed, record your observations on the poster paper and read what other groups observed.
  • Observations could include:
    • Things you see in the image: "I spy..."
    • Responses to any of the Guiding Questions
    • Connections your reading/vocab:"This remindes me of..."
    • Reactions or feelings

  • What are the buffalo doing?
  • What direction are they moving?
  • What are the Native Americans doing?

What do you see?

  • What is she caring behind her?
  • What does this tell us of her goals?

What do you see?

  • What elements of technology do you see?
  • What direction is it traveling?

What do you see?

  • What elements of technology or economics do you see?
  • What direction is it traveling?

What do you see?

  • What part of the painting is shown here: left or right?
  • What direction/area of the country is being shown here?
  • What elements of technology and society do you see?
  • How does it make you feel?

What do you see?

  • What time of day is it?
  • What part of the painting is shown here: left or right?
  • What direction/area of the country is being shown here?
  • What elements of technology and society do you see?
  • How does it make you feel?

What do you see?

The beautiful and charming figure is Columbia, wearing the Star of the American Empire, amd wears a stylized toga like the ones imagined to be worn in ancient Greece-the creators of democracy. Columbia is the female personifcation representing the United States.

What do you see?

  • What are theses men doing?
  • What direction are they travelling?
  • What are they carrying? What does this tell us of their goals?
  • How far along are they in their journey compared to others?

What do you see?

  • What is happening to the wildlife in this image?
  • How are they responding to to human interaction?

What do you see?

  • What do we see here?
  • What direction are they travelling?
  • What do you notice on the ground?
  • What does it tell us about the journey?

What do you see?

  • What elements of technology do you see?
  • What direction is it traveling?

What do you see?

  • What is she carrying in her right hand?
  • What does that tell of her intentions?

What do you see?

  • What are the men doing in this part of the image?
  • What direction are they moving?
  • What elements of technology are they using to accomplish their goal?

What do you see?

  • What is happening in this corner of the image?
  • What emotions do you thing they are feeling?
  • What direction are they moving?

What do you see?

  • What is happening in this part of the image?
  • What emotions do you thing they are feeling?
  • What direction are they moving? Why?

What do you see?