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Coral Reef

What Would Happen If All The Coral Reefs Died Off?

We're currently facing the worst bleaching of coral reefs ever known in history, but what would happen if all the coral reefs died off? We've already lost 50% of the world's coral, and we're at risk of losing even more. (UNEP,2024) If the world lost all its coral reefs, the results would be dire.

1 Billion People


people benefit either directly or indirectly from the ecosystem services coral reefs provide

50% of the world's coral reefs have already died


25 %

wave’s energy, protected by coral reefs are also more stable in terms of erosion than those without (Levin s,2024)

all marine species are found in, on, and around coral reefs

Humankind can help coral reefs by reducing carbon emanations, executing feasible angling hones, setting up marine secured regions, and supporting coral reef reclamation endeavors. (Herring,D, 2012)


Coral Reefs on the impact on our Planet